Library Redundancy Level

This table last updated January 07, 2003

% unigenes (within library ) = (# contigs + # unassembled ESTs) / total # ESTs for that library

% library specific ESTs = # library specific ESTs (unassembled ESTs from global phrap assembly) / total # ESTs for that library

Library Name
Total # of ESTs # contigs (within library) # unassembled ESTs (within library) % unigenes (within library) # library specific ESTs % library specific ESTs
TA001E1X endosperm 2728 417 1125 56.5 246 9.0
TA001E1S endosperm subtracted 269 23 218 89.6 43 16.0
TA005E1X dehydrated seeding 795 82 622 88.6 132 16.6
TA006E1X unstressed shoot 2261 375 1224 70.7 322 14.2
TA006E2N normalized shoot 1686 336 268 35.8 43 2.6
TA006E3N normalized shoot 1672 139 1338 88.3 461 27.6
TA007E1X cold stressed seedling 938 107 696 85.6 137 14.6
TA007E3S cold stressed seedling subtracted 1555 203 956 74.5 318 20.5
TA008E1X etiolated root 4017 643 2143 69.4 596 14.8
TA008E3N normalized root 4308 963 1739 62.7 344 8.0
TA009XXX Sumai3 spike 10287 1854 4881 65.5 2050 19.9
TA012XXX ABA treated embryo 2107 264 1491 83.3 509 24.2
TA015E1X heat stressed seedling 821 100 567 81.2 180 21.9
TA016E1X vernalized crown 2286 283 1555 80.4 371 16.2
TA017E1X 20-45 DAP spike 1076 127 422 51.0 80 7.4
TA018E1X 5-15 DAP spike 2860 415 1581 69.8 397 13.9
TA019E1X pre-anthesis spike 11194 1754 5201 62.1 2238 20.0
TA027E1X drought stressed leaf 905 94 635 80.6 188 20.8
TA031E1X heat stressed flag leaf 973 86 710 81.8 193 19.8
TA032E1X heat stressed spike 1012 97 716 80.3 210 20.8
TA036E1X CS drought stressed leaf 641 55 485 84.2 121 18.9
TA037E1X salt stressed sheath 964 123 559 70.7 125 13.0
TA038E1X salt stressed crown 943 75 743 86.7 152 16.1
TA042E1X 3-6 DAP seed * EST data removed due to contamination          
TA047E1X wheat root tip 959 125 682 84.2 112 11.7
TA048E1X wheat Al stressed root tip 991 143 646 79.6 143 14.4
TA049E1X dormant embryo 2927 438 1519 66.9 493 16.8
TA055E1X drought stressed root 1310 163 947 84.7 307 23.4
TA056E1X Al stressed root tip 1032 174 657 80.5 133 12.9
TA058E1X root at tiller stage 1025 127 770 87.5 208 20.3
TA059E1X whole grain 3649 624 1451 56.9 368 10.1
TA065E1X salt stressed root 2055 288 1385 81.4 402 19.6
TA066E1X mixed tissue 1404 211 864 76.6 260 18.5
TM011XXX T. monococcum vegetative apex 3031 386 1875 74.6 737 24.3
TM043E1X T. monococcum early reproductive apex 2647 382 1516 71.7 336 12.7
TM046E1X T. monococcum vernalized shoot apex 3363 514 1947 73.2 666 19.8
TT039E1X T. turgidum whole plant 1194 123 765 74.4 175 14.7
SC010XXX rye Al stressed root tip 1198 105 905 84.3 390 32.6
SC013XXX rye control root tip 778 57 649 90.7 289 37.1
SC024E1X rye anther 4631 639 1994 56.9 799 17.3
AS040E1X Ae. speltoides anther 2466 330 1408 70.5 416 16.9
AS067E1X Ae. speltoides anther 1044 134 695 79.4 179 17.1
Total   90958