From Susan Altenbach,  2/1/94
 Updated, Jon Wong, 2/5/96
 Each reference entered into Graingenes must have a unique
 alpha-numeric identifier.  Most unique identifiers will consist of
 three parts: the first part will be a three letter code that
 identifies the source (i.e. journal/ bulletin/ proceeding/ thesis/
 book/ etc.) of the reference. A master list of the "source codes" will
 be maintained by the curators of Graingenes; see the file "Source
 Codes for References" in this gopher menu.  Sources not included in
 the list should be referred to the curator for assignment of a "source
 code" so that the master list can be maintained.  The "source code"
 will be followed by a hyphen and a number that identifies the volume
 of the "source" (or, in some cases, the year in which the "source" was
 published), a second hyphen and a number or letter code that further
 identifies the reference; in most cases, the third part of the unique
 identifier will refer to the first page of a given article.
 Before entry into Graingenes, the unique identifiers will be checked
 against a master list of Graingenes references maintained by the
 Graingenes curators. 
 General guidelines for assigning unique identifiers for different
 types of references follow.  References that do not fit within the
 categories below should be referred to the Graingenes curators.
 1) Articles Contained in Journals/Bulletins/Newsletters:
  The first three letters of the unique identifier will refer to the
 specific journal, bulletin, newsletter, etc. in which the article was
 published.  The three letter code will be followed by a hyphen, the
 volume of the journal, another hypen and the first page number of the
 For example, the reference "Martin TJ, Harvey TL, Hatchett
 JH. 1982. Registration of greenbug and hessian fly resistant wheat
 germplasm. Crop Sci. 22: 1089" will have the unique identifier
 2) Dissertations:
 Unique identifiers for dissertations will begin with a D followed by a
 two letter code for the university at which the dissertation was
 completed.  This code will be followed by a hyphen and the last two
 digits of the year in which the thesis was published, another hyphen
 and the initials of the author (first, middle, last).
 For example, the reference "Hu ML. 1974. Genetic analyses of
 semidwarfing and insensitivity to gibberellin GA3 in hexaploid wheat
 (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell.). Ph.D. Thesis, Washington State
 University." will have the unique identifier "DWS-74-MLH" and the
 reference "Inbal E., 1982, Morphogenetic, genetic and physiologic
 aspects of stunting expression in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.),
 Ph.D. Thesis, Weizmann Institute, 122 pp." will have the unique
 identifier "DWI-82-EI".
 3) Articles Contained in Books:
 Unique identifiers articles contained in books will begin with an X
 followed by a two letter code for the specific book, a hyphen and the
 last two digits of the year of publication, followed by a hyphen and
 the first page number.
 For example, the reference "Brown AHD 1983 Barley. Isozymes in Plant
 Genetics and Breeding, Part B, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.,
 Amsterdam. (Tanksley SD & Orton TJ eds.), 57-77. " will have the
 unique identifier "XIB-83-57".
 4) Books
 Unique identifiers for books will begin with an X followed by a two
 letter code for the specific book, a hyphen and the last two digits of
 the year of publication.  For example, the book "Isozymes in Plant
 Genetics and Breeding, Part B, 1983, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.,
 Amsterdam. (Tanksley SD & Orton TJ eds.), 57-77. " will have the
 unique identifier "XIB-83".
 5) Articles Contained in Symposium Proceedings
 Unique identifiers for articles contained in proceedings from symposia
 will begin with a three letter code for the proceedings followed by a
 hyphen and the last two digits of the year of publication.  This will
 be followed by a second hyphen and the first page of the article.
 For example, the reference "Bšrner A & Mettin D 1988 The genetic
 control of giberellic acid insensitivity of the wheat variety Ai-Bian
 1. Proceedings of the 7th International Wheat Genetics Symposium,
 Institute of Plant Science Research, Cambridge, UK (Miller TE &
 Koebner RMD eds.): 489-492. " will have the unique identifier
 6) Symposium Proceedings
 Unique identifiers for proceedings from symposia will begin with a
 three letter code for the proceedings followed by a hyphen and the
 last two digits of the year of publication.
 For example, Proceedings of the 7th International Wheat Genetics
 Symposium, Institute of Plant Science Research, Cambridge, UK (Miller
 TE & Koebner RMD eds.): 489-492. " will have the unique identifier
 (Please note that the year in which a symposium takes place does
 not necessarily match the year of publication of the proceedings
 of the symposium.  For example, the 8th International Wheat Genetics 
 Symposium took place in 1993, yet its Proceedings were published in 
 1995; its Reference ID is given as "WGS-95", not "WGS-93".)
 7) Exceptions
 Not all of the references to be entered in Graingenes will have a
 format consistent with this scheme.  Guidelines for dealing with some
 of the exceptions follow.
 a) Catalogue of Gene Symbols for Wheat (aka Wheat Gene Catalogue)
 The 1993 version of the Wheat Gene Catalogue has not yet been published.  
 However, the Wheat Gene Catalogue will appear in several different sources. 
 GrainGenes will use the code "WGC-93" to refer to the 1993 version of the 
 Wheat Gene Catalogue.
 **The 1993 version of the Wheat Gene Catalogue may now be found in the 
 Proceedings of the 8th International Wheat Genetics Symposium, pub-
 lished in 1995.  As such, it has been assigned the Reference ID 
 "WGS-95-1333", consistent with the naming scheme described in (5) 
 above.  The preceding paragraph is retained to highlight this change.
 Future editions of the Wheat Gene Catalogue may undergo similar trans-
 formations in their Reference IDs (initially given a temporary desig-
 nation, pending future publication in an established source).
 b) Personal communications/unpublished manuscripts/in preparation/
 submitted references found in the Cataloge of Gene Symbols for Wheat
 and its Supplements:
 References labeled "personal communications", "unpublished manuscripts",
 "in preparation", or "submitted" and found in the reference sections of 
 the 1993 version of the Wheat Gene Catalogue, the 1994 Supplement to the 
 Wheat Gene Catalogue, and the 1995 Supplement to the Wheat Gene Catalogue 
 will be identified with the following source codes:  WGS-95-1333, AWN-40-362, 
 and AWN-41-330, respectively.  Appended to the source codes, will be a 
 hyphen, the designation "Ref#", and the reference number assigned to that 
 reference in the Wheat Gene Catalogue or the Wheat Gene Catalogue 
 For example, the reference:
 9411.  Porter DR  1993  Personal Communication
 found in the 1994 Wheat Gene Catalogue Supplement, will be referenced 
 as "AWN-40-362-Ref#9411".
 c) Citations without volume numbers:
 In cases where annual reports, bulletins, surveys or abstracts
 produced in different years contain no volume numbers, the last two
 digits of the year in which the annual report, bulletin, survey or
 abstract was published will be used in place of the volume number.
 The reference "Priestley RH, Bayles RA, Crofts J. 1982. Yellow rust of
 wheat. U.K. Cereal Pathogen Virulence Survey. 1981 Ann. Rep.,
 N.I.A.B. pp 18-28." will have the unique identifier CPV-82-18" while
 the reference "Bennett FGA, van Kints T. 1983. Mildew of
 wheat. U.K. cereal pathogen virulence survey. 1983 Annual Report, pp
 7-21." will have the unique identifier "CPV-83-7".
 Likewise, the reference "Kaveh H, Williams ND, Gough FJ. 1968. Allelic
 and linkage relations among genes for reaction to wheat stem
 rust. Agron. Abstr. p. 12." will have the unique identifier
 "AAB-68-12" while the reference "Bergman JW, Williams
 ND. 1972. Isozyme variants of esterase and malate dehydrogenase among
 wheat aneuploids. Agronomy Abstracts, p. 23." will be distinguished as
 d) Citations without specific page numbers:
 In cases where an entire bulletin/document is cited in entirety, the
 page number will be omitted from the unique identifier.
 For example, the reference "Bressman EN. 1931. Varietal resistance,
 physiologic specialization and inheritance studies in bunt of
 wheat. Oregon Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull., 281, 44 pp." will have the unique
 identifier "OSB-281".
 e) Abstracts/short articles with the same unique identifiers
 Two or more short articles or abstracts will sometimes have the same
 unique identifier when the guidelines have been followed.  In these
 cases, a hyphen and an additional letter (A, B, C etc.) must be added
 at the end of the identifier to distinguish the references.  It does
 not matter which of the references is followed by the "A" and which is
 followed by the "B", only that the references are distinguished from
 each other.  The addition of this letter code will be done by the
 curators before entry into the database.
 For example, the references "Brennan PS, Martin DJ, The D, McIntosh
 RA., 1983, Torres., J. Aust. Inst. Agric. Sci. 49: 47" and "Syme JR,
 Martin DJ, Law DP, Rees RG.,1983, King, J. Aust. Inst. Agric. Sci. 49:
 47-48" will be distinguished by the unique identifiers "AAS-49-47-A"
 and "AAS-49-47-B".
 f) Supplements to a particular volume of a serial publication
 A supplement to a particular volume of a series will be denoted by a code
 consisting of three parts: the first part will be the three letter source
 code for the series, the second part will be the volume number which is
 being supplemented, and the third part will be the abbreviation "sup",
 optionally followed by the supplement number if the supplement is one in a
 number of supplements.  Each part is separated by a hyphen.
 An article within such a supplement will be denoted by appending to the
 supplement's identifier a hyphen and the beginning page number of the
 For example, the reference "The use of induced mutations in plant
 breeding; Supplement No. 3 to Radiation Botany, v. 5, pg. 189" will be
 referenced by "RAB-5-sup3-189".  (If there is only one supplement for
 the volume in question, no number follows "sup";  that is, "sup3"
 becomes "sup").
 **Please note that references falling into the three cases described below 
 receive temporary Reference IDs only.  The rules describing the construc-
 tion of these IDs are included for informational purposes only. 
 g) Journal articles in press (these references will be assigned
 reference IDs by GrainGenes staff only):
 Articles not yet published, but in press, will be assigned a two-part
 ID consisting of the normal source code for the journal in which 
 the article will be published, followed by a hyphen, the term "InPress", 
 and a number describing how many "InPress" references currently exist
 for that journal, incremented up by one to reflect the newly created 
 reference (if the journal in which the article will be published is 
 not given, the first author name will be used in its place). 
 For example, the reference:
 9541.	Devos KM, Dubcovsky J, Dvorak J, Chinoy CN & Gale MD 1995
 	Elucidation of the 4A/5A/7A translocation in wheat through
 	RFLP mapping. Theor Appl Genet (In Press)
 found in the 1995 Wheat Gene Catalogue supplement would be referenced 
 as "TAG-InPress2", since at the time of its creation, only "TAG-Inpress1"
 Similarly, the reference:
 9431.	Maystrenko OI 1993 Establishing allelism in the B1 locus on
 	expression of common wheat awnedness inhibitor. (In press).
 	(In Russian).
 found in the 1994 Wheat Gene Catalogue supplement would be referenced
 as "Maystrenko-InPress2", since at the time of its creation, only
 "Maystrenko-InPress1" existed.
 h)  Books in press (these references will be assigned reference IDs by 
 GrainGenes staff only):
 References for books not yet published but in press, will be assigned
 a two-part ID consisting of a three-letter abbreviation for the book
 (first letter is always 'X'), followed by a hyphen, and the term 
 i)  Articles from books in press (these references will be assigned 
 reference IDs by GrainGenes staff only):
 Articles from books not yet published, but in press, will be assigned
 a three-part ID consisting of the first author name of the article
 being referenced, followed by a hyphen, a three-letter abbreviation 
 for the book (first letter is always 'X' for a book), a hyphen, the
 term "InPress", and a number describing how many "InPress" references
 currently exist for that book, incremented up by one to reflect the
 newly created reference.
 For example, the reference:
 323.	Gulli M, Maestri E, Hartings H, Raho G, Perrotta C, Devos
 	KM, & Marmiroli N  Isolation and characterization of abscisic
 	acid inducible genes in barley seedlings and their responsive-
 	ness to environmental stress.  Life Science Advances - Plant
 	Physiology (In Press).
 found in the 1995 Wheat Gene Catalogue supplement would be referenced
 as "Gulli-XLS-InPress1", since at the time of its creation, no other
 reference for XLS existed.