DNA Markers

See 'Genetic nomenclature proposal' above for a proposal for the naming of AFLP loci.

The following list catalogues DNA-marker loci that (1) have been detected either by Southern hybridization of DNA restriction fragments or as sequence-tagged-sites by amplification of DNA fragments with primers and (2) have been localized to specific wheat chromosomes. The list does not include the 5S-RNA or the 18S-5.8S-26S rRNA (Nor) loci, which are included elsewhere in the catalogue. No attempt has been made to list orthologous loci in related species, although many have been identified {e.g., 1329,1330}.

The nomenclature used is that originally published in the 1994 Supplement, except for some loci detected with 'known-function' clones for which other nomenclature has been used in the publications cited. The reference(s) that follow the locus symbols designate the publication(s) in which the chromosomal locations or map positions of the loci were first reported. References that are in parentheses ( ) contain the listed locus symbol, while the symbols for loci for which the references are in brackets [ ] were assigned by the curators in accordance with the current nomenclature guidelines. Symbols previously assigned to loci appear as synonyms in brackets.Temporary symbols for a few DNA markers detected with known-function DNA probes are marked with an asterisk, *, ; these are temporary, pending assignment of the laboratory designator.

Other chromosomes bearing markers detected with the same probe or the same primers are indicated in parentheses after the probe or the primers.

Three recent revisions were made in the organization of the DNA Markers section, as follows:

1. Markers in homoeologous chromosome groups 4, 5 and 7 (with the exception of those in T. monococcum chromosome 4Am; see #2 below) are listed in groups composed of loci located in homoeologous segments. The groups include the six classical homoeologous arm groups, namely, 4S (4AL:4BS:4DS), 4L (4AS:4BL:4DL), 5S (5AS:5BS:5DS), 5L (5AL:5BL:5DL), 7S (7AS:7BS:7DS) and 7L (7AL:7BL:7DL), and five new groups, 4AL:4BL:4DL, 5AL:4BL:4DL, 4AL:5BL:5DL, 7BS:5BL:7DS, and 7AS:4AL:7DS. Evidence is not available regarding the correct group location for a few of the markers listed in groups 4S, 4L, and 7S; a double asterisk (**) after the locus reference identifies these markers.

2. Markers in T. monococcum 4Am are listed separately (under 4AmS, 4AmL, or 4Am), due to the several rearrangements that distinguish 4A and 4Am.

3. Superscripts appended to locus references designate the species in which loci were analyzed, as follows,
'1' T. aestivum,
'2' T. turgidum,
'3' T. monococcum,
'4' T. tauschii, and 
'5' Species hybrid,

with the exception that the superscript is omitted for markers studied only in T. aestivum.

'a' Designates primer pairs that identify loci that cap the genetic maps. The forward primer is a degenerate telomeric sequence and the reverse primer is a specific sequence. Each primer combination identified multiple loci; however, only telomeric (Tel) loci are included {888}.

'b' Designates loci detected by hybridization with DNA clones whose sequences are largely homologous with known genes in the EMBL database (1392).

STS’s from RFLP clones: Certain STS markers are listed using sequences from previously listed RFLP clones. The convention adopted is to add a ‘p’ to the laboratory designator. The 'References' to PCR markers refer, however, to the paper(s) which reported the first chromosomal location detected by this PCR marker.

Markers are listed in alphabetical/numerical order within each group, with the exception of markers whose symbol does not include a laboratory designator; these are at listed at the beginning of each group.