GrainGenes Updates

September 2024: 48 genes, 5 QTL, 158 loci from barley papers were curated.

As part of our goal to increase the curation efficiency of reflecting new genes, qtl, etc. for the small grains, GrainGenes is beginning to explore using AI to assist in the curation. To begin, papers are being curated by the human curator (Vic Blake) at GG to provide a training set.
Below are the first of the training papers added to GrainGenes that will be used.

July 2024: 4708 Wheat QTL from the Watkins Collection now on GrainGenes

The Watkins Landrace Collection contains wheat accessions collected world-wide. A publication in preprint in Nature 'Harnessing landrace diversity empowers wheat breeding' (Cheng S, et al.) reports 1428 GWAS QTL from the natural population and 3280 QTL from a population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from a nested-association mapping panel (NAM) with the common parent Paragon.

July 2024: Wheat Functional Genes from the Watkins Collection were updated in GrainGenes and in the IWGSC Chinese Spring RefSeq v1 genome browser

Records for functional genes in wheat with reciprocal links to the 2018 IWGSC Chinese Spring RefSeq v1 were updated to accompany the publications of the book "The Wheat Genome" and the Watkins Collection reference "Harnessing Landrace Diversity Empowers Wheat Breeding for Climate Resilience" in preprint.

* 164 genes were curated from TWG-23-9 Rasheed A, Qayyum H, and Appels R (2023) The Wheat Genome. Chapter 9. Genome-Informed Discovery of Genes and Framework of Functional Genes in Wheat.

March 2024: Triticum turgidum Durum Wheat Svevo Rel. 2.0 pseudomolecules / genome browser/BLAST are released

The Triticum turgidum Durum Wheat Svevo Rel. 2.0 pseudomolecules (2024) is made available under the prepublication data sharing principle of the Toronto agreement (Toronto International Data Release Workshop Authors. Prepublication data sharing. Nature 461, 168–170 (2009)

February 2024 : Leaf rust QTL and KASP markers in the Uzbekistani wheat landrace Teremai Bugdai were curated

Three leaf rust QTL and nine KASP markers to assist in breeding are described in Xu et al (2024) Characterization of quantitative trait loci for leaf rust resistance in the Uzbekistani wheat landrace Teremai Bugdai. Phytopathology. First Look

As always, all curated data is linked to the reference file PHY-2024-Xu
