August 2020: Earliness per se Genes curated from Wheat Gene Catalog

The following gene classes have been added to, or updated at GrainGenes based on the information in the Wheat Gene Catalogue (WGC). This includes all genes, along with any associated alleles, references, loci, germplasm sources etc.

GrainGenes maintains an Ongoing List of genes curated from the WGC.

For more information on the Wheat Gene Catalogue, please visit the GrainGenes Wheat Gene Catalogue Main Page

A representation of the WGC is available at Komugi the Wheat Genetics Resources Database from the National BioResource Project of Japan.

Earliness per se genes: Earliness per se (Eps) genes account for the variation in flowering time when vernalization and photoperiod requirements are satisfied (Zikhali et al., 2016)

Link to Eps genes at Komugi