January 2021: 7 New Oat Genetic Map Sets

Seven new mapping sets for oat have been added to the GrainGenes collection of genetic maps. Many thanks to Charlene Wight at AAFC for precurating these map sets.

  • Oat-2020-UMNF-Pc maps 43 QTL on 7 maps from McNish et al.. Mapping crown rust resistance at multiple time points in elite oat germplasm. The Plant Genome 13:e20007
  • Oat-2020-CORE-SV maps 53 QTL on 22 maps from Huang et al.. Genome-wide Association Study Reveals the Genetic Architecture of Seed Vigor in Oats. G3 10:4489
  • Oat-2020-UFRGS-Bg maps 27 QTL on 6 maps from Zimmer et al.. Genome-wide association for Beta-glucan content, population structure, and linkage disequilibrium in elite oat germplasm adapted to subtropical environments. Mol. Breed. 40:103
  • Oat-2014-AB_QTL maps 33 QTL on 25 maps from Hermann et al.. Quantitative trait loci for quality and agronomic traits in two advanced backcross populations in oat (Avena sativa L.). Plant Breeding 133:588
  • Oat-2013-MxN-RGA, Oat-2013-SxW-RGA, and Oat-2013-KxO-RGA from Sanz et al.. Identification of RFLP and NBS/PK profiling markers for disease resistance loci in genetic maps of oats. TAG 126:203

These and all map sets included in the 2020 Oat Mapathon will be added to the GrainGenes Detailed Table of Genetic Maps.