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Aegilops tauschii reference genome sequence now available for BLAST on the NSF-IOS-1238231 Project site

Aegilops tauschii is the wild species that contributed the D genome to bread wheat and this National Science Foundation-funded project has released the reference sequence of its genome. Masked and unmasked pseudomolecules of Ae. tauschii acc. AL8/78 and a database of complete transposable elements annotated in the Ae. tauschii genome are available for BLAST and JBrowse searches at the project website ( The BLAST input portal is at the DATA page link at this website.

IWGSC Reference Sequence v1.0 Annotation NOW available at URGI

The International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium is pleased to announce that the first version of the reference sequence of the bread wheat variety Chinese Spring (IWGSC RefSeq v1.0) is now available with annotation of genes, non-coding RNAs and transposable elements at the IWGSC sequence repository hosted by URGI-INRA .

Wild Emmer Wheat genome assembly WEWSeq v.1.0 (genotype Zavitan) is available to BLAST here at GrainGenes

In collaboration with the International Wild Emmer Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium, GrainGenes is providing BLAST service for the Wild Emmer Genome Assembly (Zavitan WEWSeq v.1.0).

For further information, please go to:
For our BLAST service, please go to:
To download Zavitan data:

Pre-publication access to barley RefSeq v1.0

As a service to the Triticeae research community, the International Barley genome Sequencing Consortium (IBSC) is providing pre-publication access to a physical map-minimum tiling path based reference sequence (RefSeq v.1.0) assembly of the spring barley reference genotype 'Morex'. IBSC is in the process of preparing to publish the data within this year.


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