Feature "SpringWheatNAM_tag_33376-3B"

Feature Name: SpringWheatNAM_tag_33376-3B
Aliases: N/A
Accession ID: 2061997
Feature Type: locus [ View Feature Type Info ]
Map: Species: Wheat ABD
Map Set: Wheat-2018-NAM5-Berkut-x-PI382150
Map Name: Wheat-2018-NAM5-BxPI382150_3B
[ View Map Details ]
Start: 30
Stop: 30
Cross-references: [ GrainGenes ]
Feature Accession Map Map Type Aliases Evidence Type Actions
SpringWheatNAM_tag_33376-3B 2364900 Wheat ABD-Wheat-2018-NAM11-Berkut-x-CItr4175-Wheat-2018-NAM11-BxCItr4175_3B Genetic None Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]

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