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Map Type: Genetic [ View Map Type Info ]
Map Set Name: Wheat AB - Durum wheat, Svevo x Ciccio [ View Map Set Info ]
Map Name: Svevo/Ciccio-7B
Map Start: 0
Map Stop: 172.2
Features by Type:
28 locus
28 Total

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Items 1 to 25 of 28.       of 2 | Next
Wheat AB - Durum wheat, Svevo x Ciccio - Svevo/Ciccio-7B
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Comparative Maps
Feature Type Position () Map Feature Type Position Evidence Actions
(Break) locus 56.8 Wheat ABD - Wheat, USG3209 x Jaypee - USG3209/Jaypee-3B (Break) locus 82 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Conan x Reeder - Conan/Reeder-7D (Break) locus 53 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Synthetic x Opata, SSR 2 - Ta-Synthetic/Opata-SSR2-7D (Break) locus 50 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Conan x Reeder - Conan/Reeder-1A (Break) locus 115 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, USG3209 x Jaypee - USG3209/Jaypee-1A (Break) locus 59 () Automated name-based View Maps
Rye - Rye, N7 x N6, 2004 - Secale-N7xN6-2004-6R (Break) locus 107.1 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Conan x Reeder - Conan/Reeder-6A (Break) locus 83 () Automated name-based View Maps
Rye - Rye, N7 x N6, 2004 - Secale-N7xN6-2004-3R (Break) locus 32.1 () Automated name-based View Maps
Oat - Oat, X466-I x C237-89 - Oat, X466-I x C237-89 (Break) locus 5 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Arina x Forno - Triticum-AxF-5B (Break) locus 91 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Conan x Reeder - Conan/Reeder-4D (Break) locus 138 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Synthetic x Opata, SSR 2 - Ta-Synthetic/Opata-SSR2-1A (Break) locus 106.7 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, USG3209 x Jaypee - USG3209/Jaypee-5B (Break) locus 99 () Automated name-based View Maps
Barley - Barley, Lx41 - Hordeum-Lx41-5H (Break) locus 23 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat sprouting markers - Ta-Anderson-1A (Break) locus 20 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Arina x Forno - Triticum-AxF-3A (Break) locus 26.5 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Arina x Forno - Triticum-AxF-5D (Break) locus 227 () Automated name-based View Maps
Rye - Rye, N7 x N2, 2004 - Secale-N7xN2-2004-6R (Break) locus 96 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat AB - Durum wheat, Svevo x Ciccio - Svevo/Ciccio-4A (Break) locus 27.2 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat AB - Durum wheat, Svevo x Ciccio - Svevo/Ciccio-2B (Break) locus 50 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Kyoto - Ta-Kyoto-5A (Break) locus 95 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat AB - T. turgidum, Messapia x dicoccoides, AFLP - Tturgidum-MxM-AFLP-2A (Break) locus 20.3 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Synthetic x Opata, SSR 2 - Ta-Synthetic/Opata-SSR2-4A (Break) locus 71.1 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Synthetic x Opata, SSR 2 - Ta-Synthetic/Opata-SSR2-3D (Break) locus 168.9 () Automated name-based View Maps
Barley - Barley, Lx41 - Hordeum-Lx41-2H (Break) locus 39 () Automated name-based View Maps
Barley - Barley, FxS, FHB QTL - Hordeum-FxS-FHB-QTL-4H (Break) locus 100.8 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat genes - Triticum-Genes-6D (Break) locus -48.7 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat D - T.tauschii, Appels - Tt-Appels-6D (Break) locus 10.15 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Conan x Reeder - Conan/Reeder-2A (Break) locus 33 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat genes - Triticum-Genes-6A (Break) locus 14 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, USG3209 x Jaypee - USG3209/Jaypee-7A (Break) locus 97 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat AB - T. turgidum, Messapia x dicoccoides, AFLP - Tturgidum-MxM-AFLP-7A (Break) locus 9.5 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat D - T.tauschii, Appels - Tt-Appels-2D (Break) locus 11.95 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Arina x Forno - Triticum-AxF-2D (Break) locus 163 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Conan x Reeder - Conan/Reeder-3D (Break) locus 55 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Louise x Penawawa - Louise/Penawawa-1A (Break) locus 88 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Conan x Reeder - Conan/Reeder-5A (Break) locus 106 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Synthetic x Opata, SSR-D - Ta-Synthetic/Opata-SSR_D-3D (Break) locus 195 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, USG3209 x Jaypee - USG3209/Jaypee-6B (Break) locus 31 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat AB - T. turgidum, Omrabi5 x dicoccoides, QTL - Tt-Oxd-QTL-3A (Break) locus 25 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat D - T.tauschii, Appels - Tt-Appels-1D (Break) locus 23.3 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat genes - Triticum-Genes-2D (Break) locus -46.4 () Automated name-based View Maps
Barley - Barley, HxT - Hordeum-NABGMP2-3H (Break) locus 24.7 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Kyoto - Ta-Kyoto-7A (Break) locus 42 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat AB - T. turgidum, Messapia x dicoccoides, AFLP - Tturgidum-MxM-AFLP-4A (Break) locus 77.8 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Conan x Reeder - Conan/Reeder-4B (Break) locus 101 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat genes - Triticum-Genes-5D (Break) locus -12.9 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat genes - Triticum-Genes-2A (Break) locus -24.5 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Conan x Reeder - Conan/Reeder-6D (Break) locus 49 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Conan x Reeder - Conan/Reeder-7A (Break) locus 43 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat AB - T. turgidum, Messapia x dicoccoides, SSR - Tturgidum-SSR-2A (Break) locus -68.6 () Automated name-based View Maps
Rye - Rye, N7 x N2, 2004 - Secale-N7xN2-2004-5R (Break) locus 65.6 () Automated name-based View Maps
Rye - Rye, N6 x N2, 2004 - Secale-N6xN2-2004-6R (Break) locus 46.5 () Automated name-based View Maps
Barley - Barley, Lx41 - Hordeum-Lx41-1H (Break) locus 19 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Louise x Penawawa - Louise/Penawawa-3A (Break) locus 48 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat AB - T. turgidum, Messapia x dicoccoides, SSR - Tturgidum-SSR-4B (Break) locus 27.9 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, USG3209 x Jaypee - USG3209/Jaypee-1D (Break) locus 38 () Automated name-based View Maps
Rye - Rye, N7 x N6, 2004 - Secale-N7xN6-2004-4R (Break) locus 27.3 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat A - T. boeoticum x monococcum - T.b.xT.m.-4A (Break) locus 28.3 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat genes - Triticum-Genes-4B (Break) locus -49.7 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat AB - Durum wheat, Svevo x Ciccio - Svevo/Ciccio-4B (Break) locus 24.1 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Conan x Reeder - Conan/Reeder-5B (Break) locus 146 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat D - T.tauschii, Appels - Tt-Appels-5D (Break) locus 11.25 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Kyoto - Ta-Kyoto-7D (Break) locus 13 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, WxM, FHB QTL - Triticum-WxM-FHB-QTL-3B (Break) locus 37.5 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Conan x Reeder - Conan/Reeder-7B (Break) locus 73 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Conan x Reeder - Conan/Reeder-1B (Break) locus 103 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat D - T.tauschii, Appels - Tt-Appels-7D (Break) locus 4 () Automated name-based View Maps
Rye - Rye, N7 x N2, 2004 - Secale-N7xN2-2004-3R (Break) locus 59.2 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Arina x Forno - Triticum-AxF-3B (Break) locus 195 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Arina x Forno - Triticum-AxF-3D (Break) locus 102.3 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, USG3209 x Jaypee - USG3209/Jaypee-3A (Break) locus 56 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat AB - T. turgidum, Messapia x dicoccoides, AFLP - Tturgidum-MxM-AFLP-3B (Break) locus 86.4 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat genes - Triticum-Genes-4A (Break) locus -38.9 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat AB - T. turgidum, Omrabi5 x dicoccoides, QTL - Tt-Oxd-QTL-1B (Break) locus 181.7 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Louise x Penawawa - Louise/Penawawa-5B (Break) locus 93 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Kyoto - Ta-Kyoto-5B (Break) locus 121 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat AB - T. turgidum, Messapia x dicoccoides, AFLP - Tturgidum-MxM-AFLP-5A (Break) locus 162 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Conan x Reeder - Conan/Reeder-5D (Break) locus 120 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat AB - Durum wheat, Svevo x Ciccio - Svevo/Ciccio-7A (Break) locus 108.2 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat genes - Triticum-Genes-5A (Break) locus 3.3 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Synthetic x Opata, SSR-D - Ta-Synthetic/Opata-SSR_D-7D (Break) locus 54 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Kyoto - Ta-Kyoto-2D (Break) locus 84 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat AB - T. turgidum, Messapia x dicoccoides, AFLP - Tturgidum-MxM-AFLP-3A (Break) locus 80.2 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Conan x Reeder - Conan/Reeder-3B (Break) locus 112 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat genes - Triticum-Genes-1A (Break) locus -31.2 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Kyoto - Ta-Kyoto-5D (Break) locus 62 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat AB - T. turgidum, Messapia x dicoccoides, SSR - Tturgidum-SSR-3B (Break) locus 10.5 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat genes - Triticum-Genes-6B (Break) locus -27.4 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Louise x Penawawa - Louise/Penawawa-4A (Break) locus 66 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Kyoto - Ta-Kyoto-2A (Break) locus 110 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Kyoto - Ta-Kyoto-6A (Break) locus 96 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Kyoto - Ta-Kyoto-2B (Break) locus 162 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat AB - T. turgidum, Messapia x dicoccoides, AFLP - Tturgidum-MxM-AFLP-2B (Break) locus 14.5 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat genes - Triticum-Genes-4D (Break) locus 8.1 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Conan x Reeder - Conan/Reeder-3A (Break) locus 86 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, USG3209 x Jaypee - USG3209/Jaypee-2D (Break) locus 30 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat A - T. boeoticum x monococcum - T.b.xT.m.-2A (Break) locus 222 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat genes - Triticum-Genes-2B (Break) locus -33.3 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat AB - Durum wheat, Svevo x Ciccio - Svevo/Ciccio-1B (Break) locus 84.9 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Kyoto - Ta-Kyoto-4A (Break) locus 118 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat AB - T. turgidum, Messapia x dicoccoides, SSR - Tturgidum-SSR-7A (Break) locus -86 () Automated name-based View Maps
Barley - Barley, VGxA - Hordeum-Giese1-5H (Break) locus 75 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Kyoto - Ta-Kyoto-6B (Break) locus 67 () Automated name-based View Maps
Xwmc581 locus 150 Wheat ABD - Wheat, CIMMYT Integrated - CIMMYT-integrated-7B Xwmc581 locus 119.1 () Automated name-based View Maps
Centromere-7B locus 34 Wheat AB - T. turgidum, JK x Cham1 - Tturgidum-JKxC-7B Centromere-7B locus 119.7 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Arina x Forno - Triticum-AxF-7B Centromere-7B locus 45 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Forno x Oberkulmer - Triticum-FxO-7B Centromere-7B locus 45 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Synthetic x Opata, DR Genes - Ta-Synthetic/Opata-DR-7B Centromere-7B locus 0 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Synthetic x Opata, gbx RFLP - Ta-Synthetic/Opata-gbx-7B Centromere-7B locus 45 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat AB - T. turgidum, Messapia x dicoccoides - Tturgidum-MxM-7B Centromere-7B locus 0 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, 2006, purple grain - Wheat_Sara29xPurpleFeed_2006-7B Centromere-7B locus 48.6 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat AB - T. turgidum, Messapia x dicoccoides, SSR - Tturgidum-SSR-7B Centromere-7B locus 0 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat AB - T. turgidum, Omrabi5 x dicoccoides, QTL - Tt-Oxd-QTL-7B Centromere-7B locus 56.5 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat AB - T. turgidum, Messapia x dicoccoides, AFLP - Tturgidum-MxM-AFLP-7B Centromere-7B locus 63.5 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, 2002, coleoptile color - Wheat-2002-ColeoptileColor-7B Centromere-7B locus 48.9 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Synthetic x Opata, SSR 2 - Ta-Synthetic/Opata-SSR2-7B Centromere-7B locus 28.7 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat AB - Durum Wheat, Anthocyanin, 2010 - Tdurum_TRI15744xTRI2719-7B Centromere-7B locus 50.1 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Synthetic x Opata, SSR - Ta-Synthetic/Opata-SSR-7B Centromere-7B locus 45 - 48.8 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Physical, R Genes - Ta-Physical-RGenes-7B Centromere-7B locus 0 () Automated name-based View Maps
Xgwm400 locus 0 Wheat ABD - Wheat, Composite, 2004 - Wheat-Composite2004-7B Xgwm400 locus 23 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Finch x Eltan - Wheat, Finch x Eltan 7B.2 Xgwm400 locus 8.8 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, 2006, purple grain - Wheat_Sara29xPurpleFeed_2006-7B Xgwm400 locus 28.1 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat AB - T. turgidum, Langdon x G18-16 - Tt-LxG-7B Xgwm400 locus 47 () Automated name-based View Maps
Xgwm333 locus 82.1 Wheat ABD - Wheat, Composite, 2004 - Wheat-Composite2004-7B Xgwm333 locus 46 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat_Yr79_2018 - Wheat_Yr79_2018-7BL Xgwm333 locus 54.6 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Nanda2419 x Wangshuibai - Ta-NxW-7B Xgwm333 locus 39.8 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat_Fhb7_2020 - Wheat_Fhb7_2020 Xgwm333 locus 0 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Xwmc517 locus 126.4 Wheat ABD - Wheat, Avalon x Cadenza - Wheat, Avalon x Cadenza 7B Xwmc517 locus 22.1 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Nanda2419 x Wangshuibai - Ta-NxW-7B Xwmc517 locus 95.2 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat_Yr79_2018 - Wheat_Yr79_2018-7BL Xwmc517 locus 77.5 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Composite, 2004 - Wheat-Composite2004-7B Xwmc517 locus 70 () Automated name-based View Maps
Xwmc311 locus 134.2 Wheat ABD - Wheat, Nanda2419 x Wangshuibai - Ta-NxW-7B Xwmc311 locus 122.1 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Composite, 2004 - Wheat-Composite2004-7B Xwmc311 locus 95 () Automated name-based View Maps
Xgwm611 locus 139 Wheat ABD - Wheat, Nanda2419 x Wangshuibai - Ta-NxW-7B Xgwm611 locus 138 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Composite, 2004 - Wheat-Composite2004-7B Xgwm611 locus 100 () Automated name-based View Maps
Xgwm577 locus 155.9 Wheat ABD - Wheat, Avalon x Cadenza - Wheat, Avalon x Cadenza 7B Xgwm577 locus 60.4 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Composite, 2004 - Wheat-Composite2004-7B Xgwm577 locus 105 () Automated name-based View Maps
Wheat ABD - Wheat, Nanda2419 x Wangshuibai - Ta-NxW-7B Xgwm577 locus 159.8 () Automated name-based View Maps
CA594434c locus 8.8 No other positions
Xwmc606 locus 17.7 Wheat ABD - Wheat_Fhb7_2020 - Wheat_Fhb7_2020 Xwmc606 locus 2.18 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Xwmc597a locus 25 No other positions
BJ239878 locus 36.8 No other positions
Xbarc83b locus 76.8 No other positions
AL825137 locus 81.4 No other positions
BJ306922 locus 83.7 No other positions
TC86533 locus 89.3 No other positions
TC69177 locus 101.8 No other positions
TC69176 locus 104.5 No other positions
BJ213673a locus 111.4 No other positions
TC95791 locus 114.6 No other positions
Xwmc540 locus 116.9 No other positions
CA668788a locus 120 No other positions
Xgwm783 locus 145.3 Wheat ABD - Wheat, 2006, purple grain - Wheat_Sara29xPurpleFeed_2006-7B Xgwm783 locus 122.8 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
TC88833 locus 147.2 No other positions

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