Map and genotype data

Linkage maps were constructed with JoinMap (Stam, 1993) and GMendel (Holloway and Knapp, 1994). JoinMap was used to construct a map based on all available data. With both procedures, maps were constructed using only the 92 genotypes for which AFLP data were available. Two hundred and eighty nine markers were used for constructing the full data map. This full map was generated to determine the genome distribution of AFLPs and to provide a resource for researchers desiring additional markers in particular areas of the genome. For the purposes of QTL analysis we wanted a map providing good genome coverage with an average distance of approximately 5 cM. GMendel was used to construct this skeleton linkage map. As with the overall analysis, linkage groups contained markers that had previously been mapped to individual chromosomes. Subsequently, linkage maps were developed separately for each chromosome using the kSAR ordering function. Locus orders were assessed with Monte Carlo and bootstrap simulations. Data points were progressively eliminated, until all loci that are in common with published linkage maps are in the same order as in those reports and at approximately the same distance (+/- 5%). There are 117 loci in this map, of which 55 are AFLPs (Hayes et al., 1996).

The base map file is also available at this site, as is the accompanying marker file for MQTL analysis.

Hayes, P.M., F.Q. Chen, A. Corey, A. Pan, T.H.H. Chen, E. Baird, W. Powell, W. Thomas, R. Waugh, Z. Bedo, I. Karsai, T. Blake, and L. Oberthur. 1996. The Dicktoo x Morex population: a model for dissecting components of winterhardiness in barley. In: P.H. Li and T.H. Chen (ed.). Plant Cold Hardiness. Plenum Press, New York, USA

Holloway J, and Knapp S (1994) GMendel 3.0. Users Guide.

Stam P (1993) Construction of integrated genetic linkage maps by means of a new computer package: JoinMap. Plant J 3:739-744