AWN Vol 43: awn43d5.html

News at the U.S. Grain Marketing and Production Research Center.

Wheat quality is becoming a very important topic for discussion. During this past year, several meetings and workshops have been held to discuss wheat quality issues in the domestic market. In May, this discussion continued at the International Wheat Quality Conference that was held in Manhattan, Kansas. This Conference was organized by the Grain Marketing and Production Research Center, the American Institute of Baking, and Kansas State University. Discussion topics included the Biochemical Determinants for Quality Prediction, Rapid Quality Prediction Systems, Breeding, and Genetics of Wheat Quality, Selection of Wheats for Wet-Milling and Modern Methods of Separating Components and Their New Uses, Economics of End-Use Quality and International Competitiveness, Preservation of Quality, and Grade Determinant and Prediction of Cleanliness and Soundness. Over 250 scientists, producers, and industry representatives from around the world attended.


Baker JE and Kramer KJ. 1996. Biotechnological approaches for stored-product insect pest control. Postharvest News and Information 8:11N-18N.

Bean SR and Lookhart GL. 1996. A new 2-dimensional method for characterizing wheat proteins: reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) and high-performance capillary electrophoresis (HPCE). Cereal Foods World Abstr 41:575.

Bean SR and Lookhart GL. 1996. Area quantification of proteins by high performance capillary electrophoresis. Cereal Chem (In press).

Bechtel DB, Wilson JD, and Martin CR. 1996. Determining endosperm texture of developing hard and soft red winter wheats dried by different methods using the single-kernel wheat characterization system. Cereal Chem 73:567-570.

Bechtel DB and Wilson JD. 1996. Ultrastructure of developing hard and soft red winter wheats after air- and freeze-drying. Cereal Chem (In press).

Bechtel DB and Wilson JD. 1996. Development of an automated digital image analysis system for the study of starch size distributions in wheat: the use of latex spheres for calibration errors associated with magnification. Cereal Foods World Abstr 41:589.

Bietz JA and Lookhart GL. 1996. Gluten: properties and non food potential. Cereal Foods World 41:376-382.

Chang CS and Steele JL. 1996. Effect of hopper angle on the flow rate of grain through orifices. ASAE Paper No. 96-6065. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI. 12 pp.

Chang CS, Martin CR, and Steele JL. 1996. Review of research on reducing grain dust emission. Proc Inter Conf on Air Pollution from Agricultural Operations. p. 476.

Chung OK. 1996. Changes in cereal testing and product quality evaluation methodologies at the turn of the century. 10th Inter Cereal and Bread Congress Plenary Lecture, Porto Carras, Greece. (Abstract)

Chung OK, Hubbard JD, and Downing JM. 1996. New methods for wheat flour free lipid extraction & their fractionation using supercritical fluid extraction and solid phase extraction systems. 75th Jubilee Conf of Cereal Chemistry & Food Science, Technical University, Budapest, Hungary. (Abstract)

Chung OK, Hubbard JD, and Downing JM. 1996. Wheat flour lipid fractionation methods: solid phase extraction (SPE) system vs open column silica chromatography (OCSC). Cereal Foods World Abstr 41:557.

Chung OK, Lookhart GL, Steele JL, Seitz LM, Chang CS, Zayas IY, Bean SR, Kim YS, Ohm JB, Bechtel DB, Hagstrum DW, Sauer DB, Flinn PW, Baker JE, Kramer KJ, Dowdy AK, Arthur FH, Martin CR, Howard RW, Lang CE, Park HS, Brower JH, Caley MS, Seabourn BW, Hubbard JD, McGaughey WH, Morgan TD, Throne JE, and Walker DE. 1996. Wheat research in the U.S. Grain Marketing Research Laboratory. Ann Wheat Newslet 42:261-274. [Review]

Chung OK and Ohm JB. 1996. Effect of genotype and environment on gluten characteristics and their relationships with baking characteristics of hard winter wheats. Cereal Foods World Abstr 41:579- 580.

Feng GH, Richardson M, Chen MS, Kramer KJ, Morgan TD, and Reeck GR. 1996. a-Amylase inhibitors from wheat: amino acid sequences and patterns of inhibition of insect a-amylases. Insect Biochem Molec Biol 26:419-426.

Flinn PW, Hagstrum DW, and McGaughey WH. 1995. Suppression of beetles in stored wheat by autmentative releases of parasitic wasps. Environ Entomol 25:505-511.

Hagstrum DW. 1995. Monitoring and predicting population growth of Rhyzopertha dominica over a range of environmental conditions. Environ Entomol 25:1354-1359.

Hubbard JD, Downing JM, and Chung OK. 1996. Lipid extraction from wheat flour using supercritical fluid extraction. Cereal Foods World Abstr 41:586-587.

Jun WJ. 1996. Flour properties in relation to noodlemaking. Ph.D. Dissertation, Kansas State University, Manhattan, 146 pp.

Jun WJ, Seib PA, and Chung OK. 1996. Properties of commercial noodle flours. Cereal Foods World Abstr 41:571.

Kim YS. 1996. Estimation of flour mill operations using computer simulation. Ph.D. Dissertation, Kansas State University, Manhattan, 259 pp.

Lookhart GL and Bean SR. 1996. Improvements in cereal protein separations by capillary electrophoresis: resolution and reproducibility. Cereal Chem 73:81-87.

Lookhart GL and Bean SR. 1996. High-performance capillary electrophoresis (HPCE): an overview of a new method to characterize gluten proteins. Proc Inter Gluten Workshop, Sydney, Australia.

Lookhart GL and Bean SR. 1996. New methods helping to solve the gluten puzzle. In: Proc 6th Inter Gluten Workshop (Wrigley CW ed). Sydney, Australia, pp. 353-357.

Lookhart GL, Bean SR, Graybosch R, Chung OK, Morena-Sevilla B, and Baenziger S. 1996. Identification of wheat lines containing the 1AL-1RS and the 1BL-1RS translocation by high-performance capillary electrophoresis (HPCE). Cereal Chem 73:547-550.

Martin CR and Steele JL. 1996. Evaluation of rotor-crescent design for sensing wheat kernel hardness. Trans of the ASAE 39:2223-2227.

Ohm JB. 1996. Development of prediction models: wheat flour glycolipids by near infrared spectroscopy; and wheat end-use properties by intrinsic wheat quality factors. Ph.D. Dissertation, Kansas State University, Manhattan, 196 pp.

Ohm JB and Chung OK. 1996. Estimation of wheat flour lipids and lipid fractions by near-infrared spectroscopy. Cereal Foods World Abstr 41:559.

Ohm JB and Chung OK. 1996. Effect of genotype & environment on hard winter wheat flour pasting characteristics with baking characteristics. Cereal Foods World Abstr 41:581.

Park HS. 1995. Fortifying bread with antioxidants and dietary fiber. Ph.D. Dissertation, Kansas State University, Manhattan, 136 pp.

Park HS, Seib PA, and Chung OK. Fortifying bread with a mixture of wheat fiber and psyllium husk fiber plus three antioxidants. Cereal Chem (In press).

Park HS, Seib PA, Chung OK, and Seitz LM. 1996. Fortifying bread with each of three antioxidants. Cereal Chem (In press).

Park SH. 1996. Wheat and flour properties in relation to bread crumb grain. M.S. Thesis, Kansas State University, Manhattan. 82 pp.

Park SH, Chung OK, and Seib PA. 1996. Wheat and flour properties in relation to bread crumb grain. Cereal Foods World Abstr 41:562.

Pedersen JF, Martin CR, Felker FC, and Steele JL. 1996. Application of the single kernel wheat characterization system to sorghum grain. Cereal Chem 73:421-423.

Sauer DB and Seitz LM. 1996. Electronic nose technology for identifying off-odors in grain. Cereal Foods World Abstr 41:578.

Seabourn BW and Chung OK. 1996. Rapid estimation of quality parameters of U.S. hard winter wheat breeding lines. Cereal Foods World Abstr 41:592.

Seitz LM and Sauer DB. 1996. Volatile compounds and odors in grain sorghum infested with common storage insects. Cereal Chem 73:744-750.

Shomer I, Lookhart G, Salomon R, Vasiliver R, and Bean S. 1995. Heat coagulation of wheat flour albumins and globulins, their structure and temperature fractionation. J Cereal Sci 22:237-249.

Shomer I, Lookhart GL, Vasiliver R, and Bean S. 1996. Ultrastructure of consecutively extracted and flocculated gliadins and glutenins. J Cereal Sci (In press).

Smail VW, Chung OK, and Steele JL. 1995. The potential for rapid quality measurement technologies. In: Proc Reg Quality Symp Soft Red Winter Wheat (McKinney N ed). Univ of Arkansas Press. pp. 25-34.

Zayas IY, Martin CR, Steele JL, and Katsevich A. 1996. Wheat classification using image analysis and crush-force parameters. Trans of the ASAE 39:2199-2204.

Zayas IY and Steele JL. 1996. Image texture analysis for discrimination of mill fractions of hard and soft wheat. Cereal Chem 73:136-142.

Zayas IY and Chung OK. 1996. Application of machine vision to pup loaf bread evaluation. Proc SPIE, 1996 Inter Symp, Conf on Optics in Agriculture, Forestry, and Biological Processing, Boston, MA. SPIE 2907:214-252.

Zayas IY and Chung OK. 1996. Digital imaging for bread crumb grain evaluation. Book of Abstracts, 10th Inter Cereal and Bread Cong, Porto Carras (Chalkidiki), Greece. p. 200,

Zayas IY and Steele JL. 1996. Image texture analysis for discrimination of mill fractions of hard and soft wheat. Cereal Chem 73:136-142.

Zayas IY and Steele JL. 1996. Computer vision for grain quality assessment. Book of Abstracts, 10th Inter Cereal and Bread Cong, Porto Carras (Chalkidiki), Greece. p. 71.



Wheat Breeding and Genetics, Department of Agronomy, N106 Agricultural Science Building North, 500 S. Limestone St., Lexington, KY 40546-0091, USA.

D.A. Van Sanford and K. Addo.


Wheat production for the 1995-96 season totaled 28.1 million bushels on 530,000 acres, with an average yield of 53 bu/acre, unchanged from the preceding season. The average yield was a pleasant surprise after a hard winter with numerous temperature changes that devastated wheat production in the central part of the state. Disease pressure was generally light, with the exception of Septoria leaf blotch and head scab. (Van Sanford)

Protein quantity and quality.

Bakers in the eastern U.S. typically buy HRSW or HRWW to meet the stronger dough requirements of crackers. We hypothesized that judicious choice of varieties coupled with appropriate N management might allow the protein needs of the cracker industry to be met with locally grown SRW wheat varieties. In 1995, 25 wheats were grown at two locations in Kentucky and subjected to control (90 # N/acre) and high N (control plus 30# N/acre at flowering) regimes. Grain samples were milled at the SWQL in Wooster, OH, by Patrick Finney and Charles Gaines. The extra application of N had a highly significant positive effect on: test weight, protein concentration, wet gluten, dry gluten, gluten/total protein, mixograph peak height and mixograph water absorption. There were highly significant reductions in softness equivalent, adjusted flour yield, and mixograph peak time. `Variety x N' treatment interaction was significant for many of these traits. Work is currently underway to develop a suitable micro test for baking crackers. (Hong, Addo, and Van Sanford)


MacKown CT, Van Sanford DA, and Rothwell CG. 1996. Nitrate uptake and assimilation and chlorate tolerance of wheat. Crop Sci 36:313-318.

Ma YZ, MacKown CT, and Van Sanford DA. 1996. Differential effects of partial spikelet removal and defoliation on kernel growth and assimilate levels among wheat cultivars. Field Crops Res 47:201-209.

Ma YZ, MacKown CT, and Van Sanford DA. 1996. Kernel growth of in vitro cultured wheat spikes of cultivars with divergent source-sink limitations. Plant Sci 119:135-148.

Pearce WL, Van Sanford DA, and Hershman DE. 1996. Partial resistance to powdery mildew in soft red winter wheat. Plant Dis 80:1359-1362.

Van Sanford DA, Zeng B, Finney PL, and Harrison SE. 1996. Genotype x environment interaction in milling and baking quality of soft red winter wheat. Agron Abstr.

Harrison SA, Collaku AG, Van Sanford DA, and Finney PL. 1996. Genotype x environment interaction in milling and baking quality in the Uniform Southern Soft Red Winter Wheat Nursery. Agron Abstr.

Hong KP, Addo K, Van Sanford DA, and Finney PL. 1996. Effect of nitrogen management and variety on protein quantity and quality in soft red winter wheat. Cereal Foods World Abstr 41:567.



Department of Agronomy, 104 M.B. Sturgis Hall, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-2110 USA.

Department of Plant Pathology and Crop Physiology, Life Science Building, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 USA.

S.A. Harrison, K.M. Tubajika, J.S. Russin, and C.A. Clark.

Wheat breeding and variety testing.

About 175 new crosses were added to the program in 1996, which is lower than normal because of changes in personnel and the effects of a severe spring freeze. A modified pedigree method, with mass selection in F2 and F3 generations is utilized. Approximately 50,000 headrows in the F4 through F7 generations are grown at Baton Rouge each year. Fourteen breeding lines were entered in LAES statewide variety trials and three were entered in the USDA Uniform Southern Soft Red Winter Wheat Nursery. The main objective of the breeding program is development of wheat varieties adapted to the warm humid Gulf region. Resistance to fungal and bacterial diseases is emphasized.

A summer nursery was established at La Estanzuela, Uruguay, in cooperation with Dr. Mohan Kohli and Ing. Ruben Verges. Early generation populations from the LAES breeding program will be generation-advanced in Uruguay during June through December and populations from INIA will be advanced during January through May.

Fungicide applications to winter wheat.

A fungicide evaluation test was established at Ben Hur Research Farm, Baton Rouge, to evaluate the efficacy of Quadris 80 WG. No fungicide; Quadris 80 WG at 0.062, 0.125, 0.250 lb ai/acre; and Bayleton 50 DF plus Manzate 200 at 1 oz + 1 lb, 2 oz + 2 lbs, and 4 oz + 4 lb ai/acre were applied to plots of Pioneer 2580. Fungicides were applied at Feekes GS 10.0 and in double applications at Feekes GS 10.0 and 10.5 using a backpack sprayer. Disease severity data were taken on 5 May (Feeke's growth stage 11.1) by examining individual leaves from randomly selected tillers within the plots. Leaf rust rating was expressed as percentage of leaves covered by rust pustules, and Septoria leaf blotch was rated on a 1-9 scale, with 1 indicating disease.

Quadris and `Bayleton + Manzate 200' reduced severity of both leaf rust and Septoria leaf blotch in the sprayed plots by about 93 % and 85 %, respectively, when two applications were used. Quadris gave good disease control and a significant yield increase over `Bayleton + Manzate 200'. Yields obtained with two applications of Quadris were 21 % more than yields from unsprayed plots and 10 % more than yields from plots treated with `Bayleton + Manzate 200'. Plots receiving two applications of `Bayleton + Manzate 200' gave higher test weight than plots receiving only one application. Foliar disease in 1996 was mild, and responses might have been greater if disease pressure were higher. Quadris gave better disease control than `Bayleton + Manzate 200' and is a promising systemic fungicide for control of leaf rust and Septoria leaf blotch.

Wheat production in 1996

A mid-March caused severe damage to the wheat crop, particularly on early-planted fields and early-maturing varieties. Some fields had reached the boot stage when temperatures dropped into the low 20s F. In some fields all aboveground material was killed. Despite the severe freeze damage, statewide yields were excellent. A late, cool spring allowed retillering and recovery. Numerous commercial fields yielded over 80 bu/acre (5,400 kg/ha), and several yielded over 100 bu/acre (6,700 kg/ha). An early summer would have resulted in a much lower yield. About 150,000 acres were harvested, with an average yield of about 40 bu/acre.

Spread of bacterial streak in wheat studied with a rifampicin-resistant strain.

Experiments using strain 88-14rif of Xanthomonas campestris pv. translucens (Xct) were conducted in Baton Rouge and Winnsboro to determine the temporal and spatial spread of bacterial leaf streak (BLS) from a point source in susceptible (Florida 304) and moderately resistant (Terral 101) wheat cultivars. Spread of Xct was determined biweekly beginning on 29 January, 1995, and 10 February, 1996. Negative degree days were inversely correlated with BLS severity at both locations and in both years (P < 0.001). Final BLS severity area under the disease progress curve and apparent infection rates were lower on Terral 101 than on Florida 304. Disease gradients for both cultivars decreased linearly with increasing distance from point source. Based on comparison of disease progress curves, apparent infection rates, and weather, we concluded that rainfall, total negative degree days, and positive degree days had significant effects on development of BLS in the field. We should be aware that if an infected wheat is planted in proximity to other wheats, the potential for disease spread between crop is substantial. Although more research is needed to study the effect of environment on BLS development in field, production of Xct-free seeds should be encouraged.


Benjy Rayburn completed his M.S. degree, `Effect of Management Inputs on hybrid Wheat Production in Louisiana.' Benjy is employed by the Louisiana Department of Agriculture as assistant director of the Seed Lab. David Thompson left his position as research associate in the wheat breeding program. He and wife Wanda returned to Oklahoma where David serves as a congressional liaison and their daughters keep the grandparents in line. David Lanclos was hired as the wheat breeding research associate. Agron Collaku was a visiting Fullbright scholar from Albania in 1996 and is now pursuing a Ph.D. investigating waterlogging.


Harrison SA, Collaku A, Van Sanford DA, and Finney PL. 1996. Genotypic x Environment interaction in milling and baking quality in the Uniform Southern Soft Red Winter Wheat nursery. Agron Abstr p. 135.

Harrison SA, et al. 1996. Performance of small grain varieties in Louisiana, 1995-96. LAES Mimeo Series No. 120.

Rayburn BA. 1996. Effect of Management inputs on hybrid wheat production in Louisiana. Master's thesis.

Tillman BL, Harrison SA, Russin JS, and Clark CA. 1996. Relationship between bacterial streak and black chaff symptoms in wheat. Crop Sci 36(1):74-79.

Tillman BL and Harrison SA. 1996. Heritability of resistance to bacterial streak in winter wheat. Crop Sci 36(2):412-418.

Tillman BL, Harrison SA, Clark CA, Milus EA, and Russin JS. 1996. Evaluation of bread wheat for resistance to bacterial streak. Crop Sci 36(4):1063-1068.

Tubajika KM, Russin JS, Harrison SA, and Whitehead K. 1996. Wheat diseases and insect management in Louisiana. Phytopathology 86:S 57.

Tubajika KM, Russin JS, and Harrison SA. 1996. Disease control and yield improvement obtained with fungicide applications to winter wheat. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests, APS Press. Vol. 52.

Van Sanford DA, Zeng B, Finey PL, and Harrison SA. 1996. Genotypic x environment interaction in milling and baking quality of soft red winter wheat. Agron Abstr p. 72.

Zhang J, Friebe B, Raupp WJ, Harrison SA, and Gill BS. 1996. Wheat embryogenesis and haploid production in wheat x maize hybrids. Euphytica 90:315-324.

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