Items from the Ukraine.


National Centre for Plant Genetic Resources of the Ukraine, Laboratory for Plant Immunity to Diseases and Insects, Moskowsky prospect, 142, 310060 Kharkov, Ukraine.

Agronomic characteristics of the new Ukrainian winter wheat cultivars.

O.Y. Leonov and N.N. Chetvertakova.

Forty-two new Ukrainian winter wheat cultivars were studied in 1996-97. The plots were sown in three replications on 5 m2 plots previously in fallow. Al'batros Odes'kyi, Myronivs'ka 61, and Donets'ka 46 were used as checks. The period from the resumption of growth in the spring to heading (days), winterhardiness, resistance to the Septoria leaf-spot complex and leaf rust, grain plumpness (scale: 9 = best, 1 = worst), plant height (cm), grain yield (g/m2), 1,000-kernel weight (g), head density (heads/m2), number fertile spikelets and grains per spike, and some other characteristics were determined (See Table 1).

The winter of 1995-96 was characterized by low temperatures (- 8.0°C on average) and the spring of 1997 with cold weather after spring growth had been initiated by warmer weather. The level of winterkill was considerably high. The time of grain maturity was hot (air temperature above 30°C) and dry in 1996. In 1997, the crop season was too moist causing lodging and sprouting.

A majority of the cultivars had good winter hardiness, except Tsyganka, Myronivs'ka 34, and Myronivs'ka 64; and Myronivs'ka 32, Myronivs'ka 33, Myronivs'ka 66, Myrkhad, Plamya. Tsyganka and Myronivs'ka 34 were characterized by poor winter hardiness in 1997 only, possibly because of cold conditions in spring after growth had started. The cold winter of 1996 was detrimental to Myronivs'ka 64. However, winter conditions in the Kharkiv region are harsher than in the original regions for which these cultivars were bred (Kyiv and Odesa). Low winter hardiness in our region is one of limiting factors for low winter wheat yields. The correlation between grain yield and winter hardiness was 0.79 in this trial.

Of the studied cultivars, only Mogutnya headed earlier (by more than 4 days) than the check. Churaivna, Tsyganka, Myronivs'ka 33, Myronivs'ka 34, Myronivs'ka 66, and especially Myrkhad were very late. The older cultivars Ferrugineum 1239, Ukrainka, and Odes'ka 16 also were late. Very high temperatures during July, 1996 caused poor grain plumpness in all the new late-maturing cultivars except Churaivna.

No cultivars were resistant to the Septoria leaf-spot complex. Ferrugineum 1239; Churaivna; Sonyachna; Ukrainka; Myronivs'ka 32, 33, 34, 64, 65, and 66; Myrych; Myrkhad; and Polis'ka 1259 and 29 had resistance levels above 5. These are late cultivars. The correlation between resistance to Septoria and the period to heading was 0.78. High leaf rust development in the field occurred only in 1996. Zoryana, Plamya, Khvylya, Lelya, Nikoniya, and Victoriya Odes'ka had resistance to leaf rust above 7.

Plant height of the old Ukrainian cultivars was greater than that of the check, and the moist crop season in 1997 caused early lodging. These wheats also had a high number of sterile spikelets per spike (3.8-6.2). Lodging occurred only when average plant height was 81 cm in 1997 or 53 cm in 1996. The correlation between plant height and lodging in 1997 was - 0.89. Old cultivars had good winter hardiness and tillering index, but poor spike productivity.

Among the new cultivars, Churaivna, Ivanivs'ka 19, Veselopodil's'ka 203, Kyivs'ka 7, Ukrainka 2, Polis'ka 29, Dniprovs'ka 117, and Lyubava Odes'ka were the most productive. As a rule, the highest yield was in 1997, except for those lines with poor winter hardiness. Mogutnya, Myrych, and Dniprovs'ka 117 had the plumpest grains and Veselopodil's'ka 203, Zoryana, Vytyaz', and Dniprovs'ka 117 had large kernels.

Zolotava Nosivs'ka, Sonyachna, Ivanivs'ka 19, Myronivs'ka 33, Myronivs'ka 64, Myrkhad, Polis'ka 1259, and Polis'ka 29 had good yield potential, because of the large number of fertile spikelets and grains per spike. Churaivna, Sonyachna, Veselopodil's'ka 203, Dniprovs'ka 117, Tira, Victoria Odes'ka, Zoryanka Odes'ka, Lyubava Odes'ka, and Lada Odes'ka had the highest head density because of good winter hardiness and a high tillering index.

Kyivs'ka 7, Tsyganka, Myronivs'ka 33, Vytyaz' and Tira were registered in the Ukrainian Plant Cultivar Register for 1998 according to the results of the State Cultivar Trial.

Table 1.


Complex estimation of winter hardiness in breeding winter wheat.

N. Ryabchoun.

Unfavorable conditions in winter, including low temperatures, thaws, ice crusts, damping, weathering, and winter drought are limiting factors in winter crop-growing areas. Specific factors prevail in each region. Low temperature, thaws, and ice crusts are factors in northeastern Ukraine. Cultivars grown in this area must possess complex resistances to these stresses.

We have developed a way to estimate the winter hardiness of cultivars and breeding material of winter wheats for this purpose at the Plant Production Institute. The screening includes evaluating plants in the natural environment and under artificially created and controlled conditions. In field trials, estimates of plant condition are made at the end of growth in the autumn, including the degree of development, layering capacity, tiller node depth, soluble carbohydrate content in the tiller nodes during wintering, and winter survival rate.

For a closer and more complete study of winter hardiness in winter wheat cultivars, investigations are being carried out in controlled conditions. Special freezing chambers (KNT-1M) are used for these purposes. The temperature in the chambers is adjusted to within 1°C. The dynamics of winter hardiness in the cultivars is determined two or three times during winter and can change in the same cultivar, depending on the degree of frost hardening and winter weather conditions.

To estimate the genetic potential of frost hardiness in the cultivars (static frost hardiness), plants were exposed to frost after previous hardening following a specially developed regime. The process of plant hardening is 130 hours at a range of temperatures from - 5 to - 10 °C. Plant sampling and hardening are done during the period of maximum accumulation of soluble carbohydrates, which reveals winter hardiness potential. The exposure to frost is at the same time with two or three temperatures ranging from - 16 to - 20°C. The winterkill threshold is estimated after hardening. This threshold defines a genetic potential of frost hardiness.

To study the resistance of winter wheat to thaws and ice crusts, specific experiments are conducted to determine the duration of vernalization. The transition of a plants' growing point to a generative state is determined by a special technique in the vegetative tests. The later in autumn this transition occurs, the more resistant a cultivar is to the effects of thaws and ice crusts. The application of these techniques permits us to obtain a quite complex estimate of frost and winter hardiness.

The effectiveness of the optimum use of chemical control and mineral nutrition systems for bread wheat.

Yu.G. Krasilovets, A.E. Litvinov, and V.V. Sotnikov.

The effectiveness of the systems for chemical protection against harmful organisms and mineral nutrition of spring wheat cultivar Kharkivs'ka 18 were analyzed at the Experimental Farm of the Plant Production Institute during 1996-97. The Institute is located on the southern boundary of the left-bank Forest-Steppe region of the Ukraine. Two fertilizing systems were studied: no fertilizer and an NPK application at a rate of 60 kg/ha. Pesticides and fertilizers were not applied to the control. The optimum system of chemical control required the chemical treatment of seeds and treatment of fields at the start of anthesis for protection against leaf diseases. The insecticide and herbicide applications were conducted with regard for the economic threshold of harmfulness (ETH). Seeds were treated with Rocksil 2 % s.p. (1.5 kg/ha), and fields were sprayed with Alto 400 at the start of heading with 40 % s.t.c. (0.2 L/ha). Because insect number and the spread of weeds were low, ETH chemicals were not applied for their control. Spring barley was the previous crop. The plots were 33 m2, with three replications. Field trials were conducted under dry conditions. The crop was cultivated on a deep, weakly leached, heavy loam chernozem. The mineral content (for 1 kg soil) included: nitrogen (according to Cornfield) at 169 mg, and phosphorus and potassium (according to Chirikov) at 68 and 80 mg, respectively. Meteorological conditions during the the study and its influence on plant development and pest damage varied significantly. In 1996, dry conditions especially during the second half of growth resulted in very early maturation and a relatively low yield of grain. The year 1997 was favorable for spring wheat. The average monthly air temperatures during vegetative growth did not differ from the yearly average. Rainfall was considerably higher than the yearly average. Infections diseases, particularly Septoria, were widespread.

The results in Table 2 indicate that the most effective way to grow spring wheat is by the use of an optimum system of chemical control and mineral nutrition. Grain yields improved from 30.7 to 35.9 c/ha in the unfavorable hydrothermal conditions in 1996, and from 31.8 to 47.8 c/ha in a favorable year (1997). We observed a considerable increase in fertilizer savings and a decrease in fuel consumption and pesticide use per unit of grain production. These resource and energy savings conform to socio-ecological goals.

Table 2. Grain yield, fertilizer savings, decrease of resource, and energy expenditure per unit of production depending on the optimum system of chemical control and mineral nutrition of the spring wheat cultivar Kharkivs'ka 18.

 Treatment  Year  Grain yield (c/ha)  Gain in yield (c/ha)  Fertilizer savings (kg per 1 kg NPK)  Decrease in expenditure per unit of production (%)
 fuel  pesticides
 Chemical control and nutrition  1996  35.9  5.2  3  4.8  15.3
 1997  47.8  16.0  9  25.2  33.5
 Chemical control  1996  29.8  0.0  0  0.0  0.0
 1997  33.0  1.2  0  0.0  0.0
 Nutrition  1996  30.1  0.0  0  0.0  0.0
 1997  40.8  9.0  5  0.0  0.0
 Control  1996  30.7        
 1997  31.8        

New cultivars of winter and facultative bread wheat in the east Forest-Steppe region of the Ukraine.

V.K. Ryabchoun, V.V. Sotnikov, and O.Yu. Leonov.

Quarantine and primary estimations of biological properties and major performance traits were made in 143 cultivars in the introductory-quarantine nursery of the Plant Production Institute in 1996-97. The cultivars were from Hungary (33), Romania (8), France (10), Iran (1), Syria (13), Turkey (74), and Canada (4). The material from Turkey, which was received from the branch office of CIMMYT, represented two international nurseries the 2nd Facultative and Winter Wheat Elite Yield Trial for Irrigated Conditions and Rainfed Conditions and a set that was demonstrated at the 5th International Wheat Conference, Ankara. The cultivars Myronivs'ka 61 and Al'batros odes'kyi were used as local checks.

Pathogen resistance was determined under natural conditions using a 1-9 scale where 1 is very susceptible, 5 is moderately resistant, and 9 is resistant. The degree of winter hardiness also was evaluated according to a 1-9 scale where 1 is low and 9 is high winter hardiness. The plot size was 0.75 m2. Field trials were conducted under dry conditions. Winter minimum temperatures at the tillering-node depth fell to - 15°C and air temperature to - 27°C. Rainfall during the season was 661 mm. The meteorological factors on the whole were very favorable for crop development.

One hundred eleven samples (85 % of studied) survived the winter with estimated scores of 7­9 . Cultivars from Iran, Syria, and Canada winterkilled. Losses from winterkill were 10, 15, and 12 % for the French, Hungarian, and Turkish cultivars. The set of cultivars from the 5th IWC had the highest degree of winterkill, among them Kunduru 1149, Cakmak 79, Kiziltan, C1252, BDMM-19, and Kirkpinar.

A considerable number of fungal diseases were observed. Thirty-seven percent of the samples were susceptible to powdery mildew (PM), mostly cultivars from Turkey. Susceptibility to the Septoria-complex diseases was 87 %, and 71 % of the cultivars were susceptible to leaf rust.

Under the experimental conditions in comparison with the check Myronivs'ka 61 (256 g/m2), the Hungarian cultivars Martonvasar (Mv) 20, Mv 21, and Mv 24 were the most productive, by 41-92 %. Mv 19 combined high performance (128 %) with large grains and high resistance to powdery mildew and leaf rust. Mv 15 and Mv 23 also were noted for high resistance to these pathogens. The cultivars and lines from Romania, Aniversar, Suceava 84, SV 6543-SR, SV1020-88, SV 5152-88, SV 4762-89, and SV 2322-90, also had high performance potentials (108-167 % of the check). Aniversar was a large-grained cultivar highly resistant to powdery mildew and leaf rust. SV 1020-88 and SV5152-88 had large grains and high resistance to powdery mildew. SV 2322-90 was moderately susceptible to Septoria (score of 5), but highly resistant to powdery mildew. Suceava 84 was immune to leaf rust and powdery mildew.

Among the international nurseries, genotypes from the 2nd Facultative and Winter Wheat Elite Yield Trial for Irrigated Conditions and Rainfed Conditions nursery appeared the most adapted to local conditions. The check cultivar Gerek79 used in the nursery was inferior in performance to the both local checks Myronivs'ka 61 (279 g/m2) and Al'batros Odes'kyi (238 g/m2). Only one entry, ICWH900151 (pedigree: TX69A509-2/BBY/FOX/3/GRK//NO64/PEX/4/CER), which had large grains and high resistance to leaf rust, was superior to the Myronivs'ka 61 check for to grain weight/m2. The cultivars Dagdas and Kirgiz 95 were equal in performance to the check. Kirgiz 95 is notable for its large kernels.

Six samples were inferior to Myronivs'ka 61 in performance, but were superior to the Al'batros odes'kyi check. CIT90038-OYC-OYC-OYC-1YC-OYC (pedigree: MAN-NING/SDV1//DOGU88) and TE4732A (pedigree: BEZ//BEZ/TVR/3/KREMENA/LOV29/4/KA-TYA1) were large grained, CIT90137T (pedigree: 338-K1-1//TJB368.251/BUC/4/YMH/TOB//MCD/3/LIRA) was highly resistant to powdery mildew and leaf rust and also large grained, SWM844712 (AGRI/BJY//VEE) had large grains and was high resistant to leaf rust, CIT90038-OYC-OYC-OYC-2YC-OYC (MANNING/SDV1//DOGU88) was large grained and highly resistant to powdery mildew, and WXD880137A (RPB868/CHRC//UT1567.121/3/TJB368.251/BUC) was resistant to Septoria (score of 7).

All the entries, including the check cultivars, in the 2nd Facultative and Winter Wheat Elite Yield Trial for Irrigated Conditions and Rainfed Conditions nursery and the 5th IWC were inferior in performance to the local checks: Myronivs'ka 61 (279 g/m2) and Al'batros odes'kyi (238 g/m2) except for the previously mentioned Kirgiz 95, and the cultivars Sultan 95, Bolal, and Bezostaya 1 (check), which were similar to Al'batros odeskyi.

A large majority of the cultivars were highly susceptible to Septoria. Some were later heading as compared to the check: Sultan 95 by 6 days, Suceava 84 and WXD880137A (RPB868/CHRC//UT1567.121/3/TJB368.251/BUC) by 5 days, Mv 20 by 3 days, and Mv 24 by 2 days. Others were more susceptible to lodging: Mv 15, Mv 19, Mv 21, Mv 24, Aniversar, Suceava 84, SV 6543-SR, SV5152-88, and SV 1020-88 all had scores of 7; Kirgiz 95 a score of 6; and Mv20 and CIT90137T (pedigree: 338-K1-1//TJB368.251/BUC/4/YMH/TOB//MCD/3/LIRA) scored 8.

A number of entries from the international nurseries with low degrees of winter hardiness also were resown in the spring. The spring wheat Kharkivs'ka 6 was used as the local check. Under the high moisture conditions of 1997, the grain yield of Kharkivs'ka 6 was 248 g/m2. Compared to the check, the yield of entries CMSW90M414 (pedigree: 338-K1-1 // ANB/BUC), CIT88088T (pedigree: ZCL /3/ PGFN // CNO67 / SON64 (ES86-8) /4/ SERI /5/ UA-2837), CMSW90M287 (pedigree: TEMU39.75 / CHAT // RABE), CIT88129T (pedigree: LOV26 // LEN / SDY (ES84-24) /3/ SERI /4/ SERI), and SWM12314 (MNCH) in the 2nd F&WEYT97IRR nursery ranged from 64-91 % of the check. The yield of BDME-94-1, in the 5th IWC set, was 146 % that of the check.

The genetic nature of group resistance to Tilletia caries Tul. and Ustilago tritici Jens. in some cultivars and lines of bread wheat.

E.Yu. Afonskaya, S.V. Rabinovich, E.M. Dolhova, and I.N. Chernyaeva.

Resistance to bunt and loose smut by artificial inoculation of more than 700 bread wheat samples was evaluated between 1981 and 1997. Ten cultivars (1.4 %) were resistant and 75 (10,4 %) moderately resistant to bunt, and 131 (42.3 %) were resistant and 54 (17.4 %) moderately resistant to loose smut. Only 14 cultivars were resistant to both pathogens. The maximum levels of infection were 85-95 % by bunt and 35-50 % by loose smut.

Pedigrees of the bunt-resistant cultivars often contain descendants of Bezenchukskaya (BEK) 98 (resistance derived from the cultivar BG 47) and Kooperatorka (selected from Krymka) both with one bunt-resistance gene, or U.S. cultivars Hussar (with Bt1 Bt2) and Hope (with 1-3 resistance genes). Siete Cerros, PV 18, and Mexipak (all selected from the CIMMYT line II 8156) have Hope and Brevor (one Bt gene in the pedigree of cultivars with genes Bt3, Bt4, and Bt7) in their pedigree. The moderately bunt-resistant Canadian cultivar Selkirk and a few another bread wheats are present in pedigrees of bunt-resistant cultivars. Thinopyrum glaucum and the Ukrainian winter wheat Kooperatorka, through the Kazakhstan spring wheat PPH 56 (pedigree: Lutescens (LUT) 62 / Th. glaucum // LUT 329 (winter wheat) /3/ PPH Skorospelka (LUT 62 / Th.glaucum // Kooperatorka)), spread bunt resistance to wheats bred in Kharkiv. The data on the bunt-resistance genes in cultivars are found in Krivchenko (1984) and McIntosh et al.(1995).

Cultivars resistant to loose smut are the Russian wheats Saratovskaya (SAR) 29 with gene UtS29 (Shestopalova and V'yushkov 1974) and BEK 98 with 3 or 2 Ut-genes. SAR 29 inherited loose smut-resistance genes from the bread wheat land race Selivanovsky Rusak and the durum land race Beloturka, and BEK 98 inherited from sibs of the U.S. cultivar Thatcher (DC II 21-44). The pedigrees of loose smut-resistant cultivars also contain the Ukrainian winter wheats Myronivs'ka (MYR) 808 and Odess'ka 16, the Canadian spring wheats Preston (with two Ut genes) and Selkirk (resistant in our tests), and the U.S. spring wheat Hope (three Ut genes) and winter wheat Kawvale (two dominant and two recessive Ut genes). The resistance to loose smut in Graecum 114 (pedigreee: LUT 62 /Th. glaucum) is from Th. glaucum.

Of the cultivars bred at our Institute during the last few years, Kharkivs'ka (KHR) 8 and KHR 22 continue to be resistant both to bunt and loose smut (Rabinovich et al. 1996). The bunt resistance in HKR 8 is from Th. glaucum, Selkirk, and the winter wheat Kooperatorka. The loose smut resistance source is SAR 29. The sources of bunt resistance in KHR 22 are Hope and Florence (Bt3) from Australia. Loose smut-resistance in the Tunisian line Florence/Aurore (Ut1) is from Thatcher and MYR 808.

The Ukrainian wheats MYR 3 and MYR 4 were selected from the cross 'Siete Cerros/LUT 3067'. LUT 3067 is a winter wheat bred from the spring-type Indian wheat K 32541 also characterized by resistance to both diseases. During 3 years of study, MYR 4 was immune to loose smut and MIR 3 was infected at 0-0.5 %. The highest bunt infections in MIR 3 and MIR 4 were 4.0 and 11.2 %, respectively. The sources of for resistance in these cultivars may be Thatcher (through Siete Cerros) for loose smut, K 32541 to bunt, and Hope to both diseases .

The Krasnodar breeding line LUT 237H12 has high, stable resistance to bunt (1.6-4.4 %) and loose smut (0-1.0 %)in our tests. In the pedigree of LUT 237H12 are Sonalika (an Indian cultivar of Mexican origin) and Bezostaya 2 (sibs of Kavkaz), and a mutant of SAR 29. According to Babajants and Dubinina (1991), combining genetic material of Mexican cultivars and Kavkaz in many cases produces bunt resistance. The loose smut resistance of LUT 237H12 was probably inherited from SAR 29.

A high level of resistance to both diseases was detected in cultivars from the Volga region: Erythrospermum (ERSP) 5 (Mexipak)/MYR yubilejna, (Ukranian winter)//BEK 98. The degrees of infection were 1.2-1.7 % by bunt and 0-1.2 % by loose smut. Resistance to both diseases in this cultivar is from BEK 98 and Hope to loose smut, and also from MIR 808 (through MYR yubilejna). As previously reported (Rabinovich et al. 1996), resistance is characteristic to another descendant of BEK 98 from the Volga Region, Zhigulevskaya.

The cultivar Kazakhstanskaya 19 reported to be moderately resistant to bunt by Rabinovich et al. (1996) was immune to loose smut in our tests during 1995-9797. The sources of its resistance probably are SAR 29 (UtS29) and Ukrainian winter wheat cultivar Odes'ka 16, both present in the pedigree.

The USA lines MN 81330 from Minnesota; ND 597, ND 596, and ND 607 from North Dakota; and SD 8036 from South Dakota have shown resistance to bunt and loose smut. In our tests, MN 81330 and ND 597 also are resistant to stem rust, and ND 607 and SD 8036 to leaf rust. The line ND 596 combines moderate resistance to bunt (11-15 %) and loose smut (0.1-2.1 %). The genetic bases of the resistance in ND 596 are Thatcher and Hope.

The lines MN 81330 and ND 597 are resistant to bunt, loose smut, and stem rust. The loose smut resistance in MN 81330 (0-1.8 %) and moderate bunt resistance (infection up to 18 %) are probably from Hope and Thatcher through the U.S. cultivar Chris (also resistant to loose smut in our experiments) and Ciano 67. MN 81330 is immune to stem rust, and the pedigree includes a number of leaf rust-resistant cultivars: Ciano 67 Sr2, Era Sr5 Sr6 Sr8a Sr17, and Waldron Sr5 Sr11 Sr41 SrWld1 SrWld2. The line ND 597 is moderately resistant to bunt (maximum infection 11.3 %) and highly resistant to loose smut (infection up to 2.0 %), and stem rust (up to 5.0 %), but we have no pedigree information.

The lines ND 607 (pedigree unknown) and SD 8036 are resistant to bunt, loose smut, and leaf rust. They were infected by bunt at 10.6 % and 11.8 %, by loose smut at 3.3 % and 6.1 %, respectively. SD 8036 is a descendant of Hussar (Bt1 Bt2), the origin of loose smut resistance in Thatcher and the source of two genes for resistance to this disease CI 12633 (T. timopheevii in the pedigree), and Hope. Both parents of SD 8036, from the cross 'Butte*2/Arthur 71', have resistance genes: Butte Lr2a Lr10 Lr13 and Arthur 71 Lr9 (effective in the Ukraine), Sr36, and Pm2 Pm6. The two Pm genes provide a moderate resistance to powdery mildew in our tests. The evaluation of stem rust resistance in our conditions has not been made.

The genetic nature of resistance to bunt and loose smut in the U.S. cultivar Penewana from Washington state was reported earlier (Rabinovich et al. 1996). Penewana continued to be resistant to both diseases in our tests during the last 2 years.


Babajants LT and Dubinina LA. 1990. New wheat donors of resistence to bunt (Tilletia caries (DC) TUL.; T. levis KUEHN.) and their genetical basis. Genetica 26(12):2186-2190 (in Russian).

Krivchenko VI. 1984. Smut and bunt resistance of corn crops to agents of smut diseases. Moscow, 'Kolos'. 303 pp (in Russian).

McIntosh RA, Hart GE, and Gale MD. 1995. Catalogue of gene symbols for wheat. 8th Inter Wheat Genet Symp, Beijing, China. Pp. 1333-1500.

Rabinovich SV, Afonskaja EYu, Chernyaeva IN, and Dolgova EM. 1996. Genetic basis of bunt resistance in Ukrainian, Russian, and U.S. winter and spring wheats. Ann Wheat Newslet 42:207-210.

Shestakova AP and V'yushkov AA. 1974. Inheritance of spring wheats resistance to loose smut Ustilago tritici (Pers.) Jens Genetica 8:17-24 (in Russian).

Pedigrees and analysis of T. durum cultivars bred in the USA and Canada and their relationships in cultivars.

N.K. Il'chenko and S.V. Rabinovich.

Pedigree information of T. durum cultivars bred in the US and Canada is the basis of publications by Peterson 1958, Gilles and Sibbit 1966, Rabinovich 1972, and Dorofeev et al. 1976. Numerous publications in Crop Science and the Canadian Journal of Plant Science record the registration or licensing of cultivars in both these countries between 1960 and 1990.

The first durum wheat cultivars grown on the North-American continent were the Russian wheats Arnautka (1856), Kubanka (1900), and Algerian Peliss or Pelissier (1900). The first two varieties were widespread in cultivation and had been grown for nearly 20 years. However, these wheats were not used in breeding of cultivated wheats. During these years T. dicoccum, brought by Russian and Germann migrants, was widely cultivated in the U.S. Among this species was the cultivar Vernal (VRN), bred from Russian wheat. Mindum (MND), the first cultivar of T. durum bred in the US, was released at 1917, and was widely grown in the U.S. for nearly 30 years. Mindum is a durum wheat with good cooking quality. VRN and MND were widely utilized in breeding programs in the U.S. and Canada.

The cultivar VRN was used as the source of some valuable traits in the pedigrees of Carleton (CRL), Stewart (STW), and Vernum, but the contribution of VRN in the pedigrees of all the 40 cultivars and lines bred between 1940 and 1990 was comparatively low (Tables 3-5). The contributuion of VRN in wheat breeding decreased from 12 to 1 % in both countries during these years.

The index of the wheat MND in the pedigree of CRL, STW, and Vernum is 88-97 %. MND was used in breeding as a recepient with 3-5 multiple crossings. The high contribution of MND in wheats bred between 1950 and 1990 (except Ramsey and Towner) varied between 80-57 %. In the pedigrees of new cultivars, almost none of them are derived from MND. Other low indicies can be found in the cultivars Edmore (EDM), Vic, and four of their derivatives from the U.S. (55-30 %). In Coulter (CLT), Kyle, and drivatives, Sceptre (SCP), Plenty (PLT), and lines W9262 and 8982 from Canada (46-13 %), we could not completely establish the parental cultivars in the pedigrees.

Derivatives of VRN and MND, the wheats CRL and STW occupied more then 50 % of the sown area of T. durum in the US by the end of the 1940s. These cultivars were resistant to stem rust, but susceptible to a new aggressive race 15B. The indicies of CRL were 25-56 % in cultivars bred in U.S. between 1950 and 1960, but only 21-35 % in cultivars bred between 1966 and 1979 (except EDM). The indicies of STW are 12-28 % in most U.S. and Candaian cultivars with completly known pedigrees, but > 99 % in STW 63.

Table 3. Pedigrees and contributions of parents and their ancestors in old T. durum cultivars of U.S.

 Year of release    Cultivar    Pedigree  Cultivar in pedigree (% participation)
 Vernal  Mindum  Carleton  Stewart  Nugget  Heiti
 1943  Carleton (CRL)  VRN ( T. dicoccum)/3*MND 12 88 --- --- --- ---
 1943  Stewart (STW)  (STW) MND/VRN (T. dicoccum)//2*MND 12  88 --- --- --- ---
 1947  Vernum  MND/VRN (T. dicoccum)//4*MND  3  97 --- --- --- ---
 1950  Nugget (NUG)  MND/CRL (Ld 240)//Heiti ISR/STW (Ld 216)  6 69 25 25 --- 25
 1954  Sentry (SYN)  Nugget/3/Heiti/STW//MND/CRL (Ld 308)  6 69 25 25 50 25
 1956  Yuma  CRL/MND (Ld 194)//Khapli (T. dicoccum), IND/3/Ld 308  4 58 25 12 --- 12
 1956  Ramsey  CRL/PI 94701, ISR  6 44 50 --- --- ---
 1956  Towner  CRL/PI 94701, ISR  6 44 50 --- --- ---
 1956  Langdon (LGD)  Ld 194/Khapli(T. dicoccum), IND//Ld 308/3/STW/4/CRL  10 80 56 28 3  
 1960  Wells (WLS)  SNY//Ld 379/Ld 357 (as SNY)  5 57 25 18 38 18
 1960  Lakota (LKT)  as WLS  5 57 25 18 38 18

The rapid spread of stem rust race 15B in early 1950s forced breeders to use new sources of resistance in breeding programs. As a result, four new cultivars resistant to the race 15B of stem rust were released in 1956. A new source of resistance to stem rust was discovered in 1948 in a plant introduction (PI 94701) from Palestine and was deployed in the wheats Ramsey, Towner, the Indian T. dicoccum cultivar Khapli, and the durum wheats Yuma and Langdon (LGD). The first three cultivars were not widely used for breeding, but LGD, which also was successfully grown, was used in the pedigrees of 14 wheats from US released between 1970 and 1990.

Khapli, with resistance to stem rust race 15B, was used in pedigrees of Wells (WLS), Lakota (LKT), Leeds (LDS), and 16 other cultivars from US and 15 from Canada. Its contribution to these cultivars varied from 25 % in Yuma; 6 % in LGD and Hercules (HRL); 3 % in WLS, LKT, and Ward; to less than 1-2 % in 28 other cultivars. In the following years, beginning with the cultivars STW 63 from Canada and LDS from the U.S., breeding programs were using another stock with resistance to stem rust, St 464 from Ethiopia, with the resistance genes Sr13 and Sr14 (McIntosh et al. 1995). The contribution of St 464 in STW 63 and in most of the U.S. cultivars in Table 4 is about 1 % or lower, mostly because of the complex backrosses in the breeding of these cultivars. Only in Crosby (CRS) is the index of Khapli around 13 % and in Rolette (RLT) at 6 %.

Sentry (SNY) was used in the pedigrees of all US wheats bred between 1960 and 1990. The highest indicies of SNY are in LDS (86 %), WLS and LKT (75 %), five wheats between 61-64 %, and nine wheats between 34-49 % (Table 4).

Table 4. Pedigrees and contributions of parents and their ancestors in modern U.S. cultivars of Triticum durum. *Participation percent (%) from parents and ancestors in pedigree of wheat cultivar: 1. Vernal; 2. Mindum; 3. Stewart; 4. Heiti; 5. Sentry; 6. Langdon; 7. Wells; 8. Lakota; 9. Leeds; and 10. Edmore.

 Year of release  Cultivar / Pedigree    Cultivar in pedigree*
 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10

Leeds (LDS)

Ld 357*4//St 464, ETH/Ld 357/3/WLS

 3  62  20  21  86  ---  50  ---  ---  ---

 Rolette (RLT)

Ld 393 (as WLS)/2*LGN (D5988)/3/Ld 398 (as WLS)//2*Ld 357/St 464 (D5962)

 6  64  22  12  46  38  38  ---  ---  ---


LGN/3/Ld 357//CI 7780, DZA/Ld 362 (Ld 6062)/4/Br 180/WLS

 6  63  22  16  61  25 25  ---  ---  ---

 Crosby (CRS)

LGN*2/St 464//LDS

 5  61  20  11  43  38  25  ---  50  ---


as Ward, Rugby

 6  63  22  16  61  25  25  ---  ---  ---

 Cando (CND)

LKT//DWF4/LGN (ND 61130)/3/LDS/4/Br 180/WLS (D 6148)

 3  62  20  16  64  9  25  12  25  ---

Calvin (CLV)

LDS//ND 61130/LDS (D65152)

 3  61  20  18  64  9  38  ---  75  ---

 Edmore (EDM)

D 561/Senatore Capelli, ITA (D 6530)/3/LDS//D 62220/?/D 61130 (D 65114)

 2  30  7  8  34  9  12  6  25  ---



 4  47  14 12 48 17 18 3 12 50



 2 46 14 12 49 3 18 9 50 50

 Monroe (MNR)

D 6771/Rugby (D 7456)//Vic

 3 39 18 10 39 12 15 2 6 25

 Renville (RNV)


 5 55 18 12 47 25 28 2 6 25



 3 46 14 12 48 21 18 6 31 50

 Munich (MUN)

D 8030/D 8016 (In pedigree LDS, Ward, Vic, D57114, D62220, D65150 all U.S.; and
Macoun, CAN)

 3 47 19 13 48 8 22 1 21 12

Table 5. Pedigrees and contributions of parents and their ancestors in Canadian cultivars of Triticum durum. * Participation percent (%) from parents and ancestors in pedigree of wheat cultivar: 1. Vernal; 2. Mindum; 3. Stewart; 4. Heiti; 5. Lakota; 6. Ward; 7. Hercules; 8. Wascana or Wakooma; and 9. Kyle.

 Year of release  Cultivar / Pedigree      Cultivar in pedigree*
 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9

  Stewart 63 (STW 63)

STW, USA*8/ST 464, ETH

 12  87  >99  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---

 Hercules (HRL)

RL 3097/RL 3304//STW, USA/RL 3380 (In pedigree: MND,CRL, STW, SNY,
Ld 357, Ld 379; all USA; and Heiti, PLS)

 6  61  25  11  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---

 Wascana (WAS)

LKT, USA*2/Pelissier, DZA

 2  43  ---  14  75  ---  ---  ---  ---

 Wakooma (WAK)

LKT, USA*2/Pelissier, DZA

 2  43  ---  14  75  ---  ---  ---  ---

 Macoun (MCN)

RL 3607 (as HRL)/DT 182 (as HRL)

 6  61  25  11  ---  ---  100  ---  ---

 Coulter (CLT)

DT 188 (as HRL)/DT 224//DT 182 (as HRL)

 9  46  18  9  ---  ---  75  ---  ---

 Medora (MDR)

Macoun/Ward, USA

 6 62 12 14 --- 50 50 --- ---

 Arcola (ARL)


 4 52 12 12 38 --- 25 50 ---


WAK/DT 332//WAK/DT 320

 1 21 6 7 38 --- 25 50 ---

 Sceptre (SCP)

D68111/Ward (D72110)//Coulter

 6 39 15 8 --- 25 38 --- ---

 Plenty (PLT)

Vic/WAS//HRL/DT 310

 3 38 3 10 20 --- 25 25 ---

 W 9262-339A-L

Kyle*2/Biodur, FRA

 1 24 6 8 33 --- 18 44 75

 W 9262-339A-H

Kyle*2/Biodur, FRA

 1 24 6 8 33 --- 18 44 75


Kyle/Nile, SYR

 1 13 4 4 22 --- 12 25 50


Kyle/Nile, SYR

 1 13 4 4 22 --- 12 25 50

The contribution of LGD was highest in the US cultivars Rolette (RLT) and CRS (38 %) and somewhat lower (25 %) in Botno, Rugbi, and Renville (RNV). The cultivars WLS and LKT have the same parents, and both were cultivated over a considerable area for a long time, but their success in breeding programs is different. The contributions of WLS were 50 % in LDS, 38 % in RLT and CLV, and 25 % in five others cultivars from US. The index of LKT was comparatively low (1-12 %) in nine US wheats. The indicies of LKT in Canadian cultivars were 75 % in Wascana (WAS) and Wakooma (WAK), 38 % in Arcola (ARL) and Kyle, and from 20-33 % in five other wheats.

The spring durum wheat germplasm KS91WGRC14 (T. durum cv. Cando*2 / T. aestivum cv. Veery, MEX) from the Wheat Genetic Resource Center at Kansas State University inherited a wheat-rye translocation T1BL·1RS from the old German line Neuzucht through the Russia cultivar Kavkaz and the Mexican line Veery. This translocation first entered into durum wheat through bread wheat. In KS91WGRC14, genes Sr31 (which is geneticaly linked with Lr26 and Yr9) and Pm8 were identified. The contributions of Cando (CND) are 75 % in KS91WGRC14, and 50 % in the wheat Lloyd.

The indicies of LDS are 75 % in CLV; 50 % in CRS and Lloyd; 30 % in Voss; 25 % in CND and EDM; 21 % in Munich (MUN); and 6-12 % in Vic, Monroe (MNR), and RNV where the pedigrees are not completely known. Ward wheat was used twice in pedigrees of US and Canadian cultivars (Tables 4 and 5). The contributions of Ward is 50 % in Vic and Medora (MDR), 30 % in MUN, and 25 % in SCP.

U.S. cultivars were used in a majority of Canadian wheats: CRL, STW, SNY, LKT, or Vic, and in seven pedigrees from 11 Canadian varieties shown in Table 5. Canadian cultivars occur very rarely in the pedigrees of wheat from the U.S., only Macoun (MCN) in MUN with an index of 6 %. The contribution of MCN in the Canadian wheat MDR is 50 %.

The Canadian wheat HRL is present in pedigrees of all Canadian wheats released between 1974 and 1995. The indicies of HRS vary from 50-100 % in MCN, CLT, MDR, and ARL; between 25-38 % in Kyle, SCP and Plenty (PLT); and between 12-18 % in lines W 9262 and 8982. The contributions of WAK and WAS are 44-50 % in ARL, Kyle, and W 9262 and 25 % in PLT and 8982. The indicies of Kyle are 75 and 50 % in W 9262 and 8982, respectively. These two lines were released in 1995 as genetic stocks near-isogenic for high (H) and low (L) cadmium concentration.

The cultivar Heiti from Palestine has been used in breeding programs to improve the color and pasta cooking quality of US durum wheats, because it has a high carotinoid pigment content. Heiti contributes 25 % to the pedigrees of Nugget (NUG) and SNY and 18-21 % to WLS, LKT, LDS, and CLV, but varies from 3-16 % in other US and Canadian cultivars with known pedigrees. The contributions of NUG, the first descendant of Heiti, were 50 % in SNY, 38 % in WLS and LKT, 43 % in LDS. The index varied between 22 and 37 % in cultivars released in the 1970s (with the exception EDM).

The Italian cultivar Senatore Capelli, a strong-gluten durum, also had been used in breeding for improved pasta-cooking quality. The contributions of Capelli are 25 % in EDM, and 12 % in its derivatives Vic and Lloyd and a descendant of both these cultivars, Voss. The indicies are 6 % in derivatives of Vic, U.S. cultivars MNR and RNV, and 3 % in MUN and the Canadian wheat PLT.

The contributions are 50 % of EDM in U.S. cultivars from Vic, Lloyd, and Voss, 25 % in MNR and RNV, and 12 % in MUN and the Canadian wheat PLT. The indicies of Vic are 50 % in the wheats MNR, RNV, Voss, and in MUN and 25 % in PLT. The index of Lloyd in Voss is 50 %.

U.S. and Canadian cultivars are constantly evaluated in our experiments, including the 1997 survey. Practically all cultivars bred in the U.S. and Canada in in the 1970s and 1980s have resistance to stem rust under artificial inoculation in our experiments. The wheats Botno, Rugby, Cando, and Calvin from the U.S. and WAS, MCN, MDR from Canada also were resistant to bunt and loose smut under artificial inoculation. Cultivars RLT, Ward, and CRS from the U.S. and WAK from Canada were resistant to bunt.


Dorofeev VF, Jakubziner MM, Rudenko MI, Mygushova EF, Udachin RA, Merezko AF, Semenova LV, Novikova MI, Gradchaniniva OD, and Shitova IP. 1976. Wheats of the World. Leningrad, "Kolos". 487 pp. (in Russian).

Gilles KA, and Sibbit LD. 1966. Champing picture in spring varieties. Cereal Sci Today. December 528:510 516.

Peterson RF. 1958. Twenty-five years' progress in breeding new varieties of wheat for Canada. The Empire J Exp Agric. 24:N102.

Rabinovich SV. 1972. Modern wheat varieties and their pedigrees. Kiev, "Urozhay". 328 pp. (in Russian).


High-molecular weight glutenin subunit composition of spring bread wheats grown in the Ukraine and the Russian Federation between 1995­97 and its connection with pedigrees.

S.V. Rabinovich, I.A. Panchenko, R.G. Parchomenko, and V.N. Bondarenko.

Data on the HWM-glutenin composition of 179 spring wheat cultivars from the Ukraine and the Russian Federation are shown in Table 6. The HWM-glutenin composition of 109 variants that were tested during 1996­97 and data from Morgunov and coworkers (1990, 1992) and Bespalov and coworkers (1996) for 79 cultivars (seven cultivars were tested by both groups) are included. Cultivars grown in these countries between 1995­97, current cultivars, and some old wheats from the Ukraine, Russia, and other countries that are present in the pedigrees of modern cultivars also were analyzed. The data on foreign cultivars are from publicatons by Ng et al. (1988), Graybosch (1992), Tahir et al. (1995), Rabinovich et al. (1997), and some another scientists.

Table 6.

During several years, the Ukrainian cultivars Otechestvena and Kharkivs'ka (KHR) 12 were grown only in Russia. The Ukrainian cultivars Artemivka, KHR 2, KHR 6, KHR 10, and Myronivs'ka (MYR) jara; the Russian wheats Leningradka, Voronezhskaya (VOR) 6, Lutescens (LUT) 62, Ivolga; and the Belarus wheat Belaruskaya (BEL) 12 have been grown both in the Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

The HMW-glutenin subunit composition was determined by electrophoresis according to Ng et al. (1988), identification of protein disks according to Payne and Lawrence (1983), and the nomenclature used was that of Ng et al. (1988) and Ng and Bushuk (1989). Cultivar pedigrees and year of release are from publications by Rabinovich (1972); Dorofeev et al. (1976); Catalogue cultivars (1983, 1992); Martynov et al.(1990); and the Ukrainian and Russian Plant Cultivars Registers of 1995 to 1997; and some other sources.

According to Payne et al. (1981, 1983, 1984, 1987); Ng et al. (1988); Lukow (1989); Graybosch (1990, 1991); and Dong et al. (1991) (which we cite from articles by Morgunov et al. (1990, 1993), Panchenko et al. (1996); Bushuk (1997)], Graybosch (1992), and Rawdal et al. (1993)) a positive correlation exists between high bread-making quality and the presence of the HMW-glutenin subunits 1 and/or 2* of Glu-A1, 7+9, 7+8 and/or 17+18 of Glu-B1, and 5+10 of Glu-D1. The 'low quality' glutenin subunits are Null (N) of Glu-A1, 7, 20 of Glu-B1, and 2+12 of Glu-D1.

Regardless of the different genetic and geographical origins, cultivars from the Ukraine and Russian Federation have a low variability for these alleles. The frequency of alleles encoding the subunits below is high: 2* at Glu-A1 (up to 70 % in the cultivars from both countries); 7+9 at Glu-B1 (sometimes in combination with other subunits) 85.3 and 80.6 %; and subunits 2+12 (52.9 and 52.1 %), and 5+10 (47.1 and 39.5 %) at Glu-D1 in Ukrainian and Russian cultivars, respectively.

Among the 44 Ukrainian wheats, 25 cultivars (79.5 %) were homogeneous, and of nine others, two (5.9 %) were heterogeneous at locus Glu-A1 (subunits 1/2* or 2*/N) and seven at locus Glu-B1 (7/17+18, 7+8/7+9/20, 7+9/6+8, or 7+9/17+18). All cultivars were homogeneous at locus Glu-D1. Most of heterogeneous cultivars contain two subunits at loci Glu-A1 and/or Glu-B1. The cultivar MLT 215 selected from an unknown winter bread wheat has three 7+8, 7+9, and 20 from an as yet undetermined locus.

In cultivars from the Russian Federation, 104 (72.2 %) were homogeneous, and among 40 (27.8 %) other wheats, 11 (7.6 %) were heterogeneous at locus Glu-A1, six (4.2 %) at Glu-A1 and Glu-B1, and two (1.4 %) at Glu-A1 and Glu-D1. Thirteen cultivars(9.0 %) were heterogeneous at locus Glu-B1, three (2.1 %) at Glu-B1 and Glu-D1, three (2.1 %) at Glu-D1. The two cultivars Simbirka and Caesium 111 were heterogenous at all three loci (1.4 % of the total). The set of Russian wheats differs only slightly from the Ukrainian wheats: 1, 2*, and Null at Glu-A1; 7+9, 7+8, 17+18, and 6+8 at Glu-B1; 2+12, 5+10, 5+12, and NA at Glu-D1. Most of the heterogeneous Russian and Ukrainian cultivars contain two components of subunits in 1­3 loci. Only Glu-A1 of the land race Rusak (2*/1/Null) and Glu-B1 of cultivar Tulajkovskaya 1 (7+8/7+9/17+18) contain three components.

Modern cultivars of the Ukraine and the Russia, have low variability at Glu-A1: near 70 % have an allele encoding subunit 2* as noted above. The frequency of subunit 1, sometimes in association with 1/2*, is as high as 30 % (Ukraine) or 16 % (Russia). The frequency of the Null subunit (often in association with 2*/N), is up to 1 % (Ukraine) and 14 % (Russia) in cultivars.

The Ukrainian wheats Artemivka, Otechestvena, and Kolektyvna, bred with land races or lines selected from them, were released in 1945, 1959, and 1962, respectively. These cultivars and the Saratov cultivar LUT 62, widely grown 1930s and 1940s and bred from the land race Poltavka, have breadmaking quality rated valuable (b) to good filler (c) and the glutenin formula 2*, 7+9, 2+12. The first of Kharkiv's cultivars that answered the requirement for strong wheat, KHR 93 with subunits 2*, 7+9, 2+12, inherited its glutenin formula from the high bread-making quality parent SAR 29. The following year, the high bread-making quality cultivars KHR 2 and KHR 6 and their derivatives KHR 8 and KHR 10 were bred from a hybrid combination of the Kazakhstan cultivar PPH 56 (a wheat-Thinopyrum hybrid) with subunits 2*, 7+9, 2+12 (LUT 62, Th. glaucum, and winter wheats LUT 329 and Kooperatorka in pedigree) and the Canadian cultivar Selkirk (SLK) 1, 7+8/6+8, 5+10. The instinct of breeders allows them to select from this combination the cultivars with optimal glutenin block compositions without making glutenin analyses. Optimal choices in favor of subunits 5+10 at Glu-1D were made during the breeding of KHR 22 and KHR 24, which have at least two cultivars with the worst subunits 2+12 at GluD1 from four cultivars in their pedigrees.

The pedigree analysis of 10 Ukrainian wheats with subunit 1 shows that MLT 215 inherited it from unknown winter wheat. Subunit 1 in KHR 12 and four Myronivka wheats was through the winter wheat MYR 808 (often MYR jara). In Kolektyvna 3, subunit 1 is from SLK. Dniprjanka, KHR 24, and Legenda have a subunit 1 from other foreign wheats. Among 27 Russian wheats, Omskaya (OMS) 17 and OMS 19 inherited subunit 1 from MYR 808, and cultivars Enita, Priokskaya, Lada, Noris, Simbirka, Novosibirskaya (NOV) 89, and BEL 12 probably from the variety Minskaya. The pedigrees of wheats Lada (through the Ukrainian cultivar Obriy) and OMS 17 contain U.S. cultivar Red River (RR) 68, subunits 1, 7+8, 5+10. Moskovka, LUT 758, SAR 33, and MLT 553 inherited subunit 1 from Canadian variety Kitchener (KIR) and VOR 10, VOR 12, and Kurskaya 263 from SLK. Kutulukskaya, Srednevolzhskaya, and Kinel'skaya 59 probably derived their subunit 1 from the U.S. cultivar Lee. Subunit 1 in the majority of other culivars also is from foreign wheats.

The Null subunit in the Russian wheat LUT 55-11 is from the land race Rusak (through ERSP 341). Bashkirskaya 4 and Prilenskaya 19 also inherited Null from Russian land races. The cultivar Skala and its derivative Irkutskaya 90 inherited Null from Canadian wheat Garnet. Null in the remaining Russian wheats is from another foreign cultivars. The Ukrainian wheat KHR 26 obtained Null from KHR 13 (T. durum), and the Russian cultivar Graecum 114, probably from Th. glaucum.

The frequency of 7+9 (sometimes in combination with other subunits) at the Glu-B1 locus among wheats of both countries is high, 85.3 % in Russian and 80.6 % in Ukrainian wheats. The frequencies of the high-quality subunits 7+8 and 17+18 from foreign wheats in cultivars of both countries are significantly different, 8.8 % and 14.7 % in Ukrainian, and 27.8 % and 5.6 % in Russian cultivars, respectively. The poor-quality subunit 6+8 has the lowest frequency, 8.8 % in Ukrainian and 1.4 % in Russian cultivars.

The Saratov wheat Sarrubra inherited Glu-B1 7+8 from a land race of T. durum, Beloturka. Siberian cultivars MLT 321, Niva, and Baganskaya 93 (throught Ural'skaya 52); bread wheat Caesium 111 (a selection from the landrace Poltavka); and Novosibirskaya (NOV) 67, probably inherited subunit 7+8 from NOV 7 (pedigree unknown). The subunit in DIAS 2 is from NOV 67.

The 7+8 subunit from the Swedish cultivar Wendel is found in the Ural wheat Irgina and the Siberian wheats LUT 25, Obskaya 4 (through LUT 25), Svenno, and possibly Uralochka. The old Canadian cultivars Preston and Prelude (both Ladoga, pedigree: RUS / Red Fife, UKR) contributed the 7+8 subunit to the Russian wheats Moskovka and Leningradka, respectively. The cultivar SLK (possibly with both MLT 215 (through KHR 93) and KHR 51, T. durum) is the donor of 7+8 to VOR 12 and Kurskaya 263.

The Japanese cultivar Norin 10 (1, 7+8, 2+12) released in 1920s and Kenya 58 (2*, 7+8, 2+12) often are used in the pedigrees of many CIMMYT-bred semidwarf cultivars. The 7+8 subunit was introduced from these cultivars into the Russian wheats Enita, Priokskaya, Akademiya, SAR 52, SAR 62, Zhemchuzhyna Zavolzh'ya (through Nadadores 63), Budimir, Kosmid, and Tulajkovskaya 1 (through PV 18), and into Katjusha, possibly from the same ancestors of Siete Cerros (7C). Norin 10 originally inherited subunit 7+8 from Turkey (selected from the landrace Krymka). Subunit 7+8 in the old Ukrainian cultivar MLT 215is from an unknown winter wheat cultivar. Graecum 114 inherited subunit 7+8 probably from Th. glaucum and passed it to cultivar OMS 20 and also to cultivars Botanicheskaya 3 and Botanicheskaya 4 (together with RR 68 from the U.S.) and SIB 59 (together with NOV 67).

Tracing the introduction of subunit 17+18 into the wheats of Russia and the Ukraine is interesting. The oldest cultivar with the subunit probably is the Australian wheat Gabo released in the early 1940s. Subunit 17+18 was introduced from Gabo and also from Timstein, another Australian wheat (both 2*, 17+18, 2+ 12), and Lee from the U.S. into the wheats of many countries. The parents of the first cultivars that had subunit 17+18 were a bread wheat, Bobin, and a durum wheat, Gaza. The Russian wheat SAR 49 inherited the subunit from Lee. In the Ukrainian wheat Kazakstanian Komsomol'skaya 90 and Russian Salut, Budimir, Yershovskaya(YER) 32, and Krasnokutka 9 (through YER 32), the origin was through PV 18. However, 17+18 in Ukrainian MYR 3 is from 7C. The subunit in Skorospilka 95, Legenda, and Kardinal nosivs'kiy also is from the foreign cultivars. At the same time, the Ukrainian wheat MYR 4 (a derivative of 7C) and some Volga Region wheats with Lee or YER 32 in their pedigrees have retained the traditional Glu-B1 subunit 7+9. The 17+18 subunit is present in the East-Siberian wheats Prilenskaya 6 and Prilenskaya 19, but its origin is unknown.

The undesirable component 6+8 was acquired by the Ukrainian wheats KHR 2 and KHR 6 from SLK. In KHR 16, 6+8 is from the durum wheat KHR 15. The Russian cultivar Leningradka derives this subunit from its ancestors of German origin.

As noted, the alleles 5+10 and 2+12 at Glu-D1 have high frequencies, 52.9 and 47.1 %, respectively, among 34 Ukrainian wheats. The frequency of subunit 2+12 is 52.1 %, and that of 5+10 is 39.5 %. Both subunits are found at 5.5 % in 144 Russian wheats, and another allele was in three cultivars (2.1 %). Comparison of these data with the distribution of the same alleles at Glu-D1 among cultivars of other countries is interesting.

An analysis of alleles at Glu-D1 among 38 Canadian bread wheat cultivars licensed in the Ukraine during the last 85 years (from Marquis released in 1912 to AC Dominant and AC Eatonia bred in the mid-1990s) indicates that the very high quality level is maintained by the presence of subunit 5+10 in 94.7 % and 2+12 in 5.3 % of the cultivars (Ng et al. 1988; Bushuk 1997). All 25 western Canadian spring wheats have the 1D subunit 5+10 (Bushuk 1997), and all breeding lines now are selected to contain Glu-D1 5+10. The data of Cornish and Mares (1966) shows that the frequencies are 70.1 % for subunit 2+12; 22.1 % for 5+10, and 7.8 % for both among 77 cultivars suggested for production in arid regions of Australia, where breeding for high bread-making quality is a priority.

The subunits 5+10 and 2+12 at Glu-D1 are distributed unevenly in Russia. Among 19 cultivars bred in the Central Non-Black-Earth and the Central Black-Earth regions, only two cultivars (10.5 %) Ivolga, a forage-use cultivar, and Graecum 114, a Th. glaucum derivative, have subunits 2+12. The 17 other cultivars have 5+10. At the Agricultural Research Institute for the Central Non-Black-Earth region, the majority of cultivars (nearly 90 %) contain subunit 5+10. Other subunits of Glu-D1 are not present in their pedigrees. Five of six cultivars bred at the V.V. Dokuchaev Agricultural Research Institute for Central Regions of Black-Earth and Kursk Institute of Agroindustrial Production have the 5+10 subunit, although in their pedigrees are cultivars with subunit 2+12 bred in Saratov.

The 2+12 subunit has a frequency of 80.3 %, 5+10 has a frequency of 13.1 %, and both subunits have a frequency of 6.6 % among 61 wheat cultivars of the North Caucasus and the Lower and the Middle Volga regions. Simultaneously, 100 % of the cultivars bred at the P.P. Luk'janenko Krasnodar Agricultural Research Institute, in a region without limited rainfall, contain the subunit 2+12, which was inherited mainly from SAR 29 or Bezenchukskaya (BEK) 98, and in wheat Valeriya, probably from T. persicum.

In the arid Volga Region, 25 (89.3 %) of 28 cultivars from Saratov bred during 1920 through 1990 have subunit 2+12, and only three (10.7 %) have subunit 5+10. Cultivars LUT 758 and SAR 33 inherited the composition from Canadian cultivar KIR, and SAR 54 from MN 2705 (U.S.). Subunit 2+12 predominates and 5+10/2+12 is more rare in the cultivars of the Krasnyj Kut Plant Breeding Station, the N.M. Tulajkov Samara Agricultural Research Institute, and the P.N. Konstantinov Research Institute of Plant Breeding and Seed Production for Volga Region. Wheats from these Institutes were bred mainly from cultivars from Saratov, and to a lesser extent from Bezenchuk. One exception is Zhygul'ovskaya, where subunit 5+10 is from the winter wheat Bezostaya (BEZ) 1.

The Glu-D1 components 5+10 and 2+12 are present at a frequency of 50 % as additional subunits in cultivars of the Yershov Experimental Station for Irrigated Agriculture. Irrigated wheats have unlimited moisture. At this station on a level with cultivars bred in Saratov and BEK 98, winter wheats from the Russsian Federation BEZ 1, KVK, and YER 3; and MYR yubilejna from the Ukraine are used for breeding. The wheat YER 32 was used in pedigrees of five new cultivars from the Volga Region, and its derivative Prokhorovka is widely planted. Only two out of six cultivars bred here with subunit 5+10 have become widely grown.

Among 61 wheats bred in the Ural Region, the Western and the Eastern Siberia Regions, and the Far East Region 52.4 % have subunit 5+10, 41.0 % have 2+12, and 6.6 % have both subunits. In a majority of cultivars from these regions, the Glu-D1 5+10 subunit alternates with 2+12 in strong wheats with good fillers. Only at the Altay Institute for Land Use and Breeding of Agricultural Crops are all four cultivars released between 1992-97 strong wheats. Three of these, Altajskaya (ALT) 50, ALT 88, and ALT Prostor have subunit 5+10, despite the presence of 1-2 cultivars with subunit 2+12 in their pedigrees.

According to many scientists, the presence of the 5+10 subunit at Glu-D1 guarantees high bread-making quality. Breeders of spring bread wheat in Canada, and winter wheat in Nebraska U.S. and Russia concur (Graybosch 1992; Bushuk 1997; and Rabinovich et al. 1997).

An entirely different situation occurs in spring wheat breeding of the Ukraine and Russia. Among four Ukrainian wheats considered to be strong and 11 valuable for their bread-making quality, 50.0 and 54.4 % of the cultivars, respectively, have subunit 2+12 at Glu-D1. The same situation occurs in Russian wheats, where among 51 wheats with subunit 2+12, 27 (53.0 %) cultivars are considered as strong, 10 (19.6 %) as valuable, and 14 (27.4 %) as wheats with poor end-use quality. Of eight cultivars with subunits 2+12/5+10, seven (87.5 %) are considered strong wheats.

We agree with Morgunov and coworkers (1990) who indicate that cultivars from droughty regions mainly possess subunit 2+12, whereas those from areas with sufficient rainfall have subunit 5+10. About 70 % of the cultivars originating from the Steppe Zone, where precipation between April and August is less then 250 mm, have subunit 2+12.

We propose that cultivars with subunit 2+12 not only can have high end-use quality in arid regions, but also can be more widely adaptable than cultivars with subunit 5+10 of Glu-D1. Twenty-five bread wheats in Table 3 were grown in different years on 0.6-21.2 million hectares and include six cultivars with subunit 5+10, 15 with 2+12, and four with 2+12/5+10 are among these.

Most of these cultivars, which have subunits 2+12 and 2+12/5+10, are derivatives of land races and wide spread spring wheat cultivars primary bred in Saratov. Wide-spread winter wheats BEZ 1 and YER 3 have been used in the pedigrees of three out of six cultivars with subunit 5+10, and in one cultivar with 2+12.

The use of mutagens in cultivars Rosinka 2, Rosinka 3, and Irkutskaya 90 has not influenced the composition of HWM-glutenins, and they have remained within the limits of their parents. Only in the wheat Rosinka has the 2* subunit from Sibakovskaya 3 been changed to Null at Glu-A1 using gamma irradiation. The analysis of the composition of subunits at Glu1 of some cultivars compared with their genetic origin raises some doubts as to the accurary of their pedigrees.


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