Items from Spain.



Departamento de Biotecnologia, E.T.S. Ing. Agronomos.- C. Universitaria, 28040, Madrid, Spain.

A. Delibes, I. López-Braña, M. J. Montes, and C. González-Belinchón.


Center of R&D, Rovira Roure 177, 25198 Lleida, Spain.

J.A. Martín-Sánchez, E. Sin, C. Martínez, and A. Michelena.

Departamento de Fitopatología. Ap. 22 CP. 06080 Badajoz, Spain.

J. del Moral, F. Pérez-Rojas, F. J. Espinal, and M. Senero.


Studies in relation to the Hessian fly-resistance gene (H30) transferred from the wild grass Aegilops triuncialis to hexaploid wheat. [p. 142-144]

The transfer line TR-3531 (42 chromosomes), derived from the cross 'T. turgidum/Ae. triuncialis//T. aestivum' and carrying the H. avenae resistance gene Cre7 (Romero et al. 1998), showed a high level of resistance to the M. destructor biotype prevailing in southwestern Spain. A single, dominant gene (H30) determines the Hessian fly resistance in this introgression line (Delibes et al. 2001), and its linkage with an isozyme marker (Acph-U1) has been studied. A phosphatase marker, resolved into two components, is present in the TR-3531 line, Ae. triuncialis (UC), Ae. umbellulata (U), and the amphiploid Chinese Spring/Ae. umbellulata (ABDU), but is absent in Ae. caudata (C). Linkage between H30 and the Acph-U1 marker (associated with the U genome) was determined by analyzing 126 individual (TR-3531/H-10-15) F2 plants. The kernels were cut transversely and the halves without embryos were used to obtain phosphatase zymograms, an enzymatic system associated in wheat with homoeologous group 4 (Delibes et al. 1997a). The linkage in this cross is not very tight, which would be consistent with the recombination expected of the ability of the C genome to suppress the Ph-diploidization mechanism of wheat (Romero et al. 1998).

F2 progeny, derived from crosses between different wheat cultivars from Uniform Hessian Fly Nursery (UHFN and H-93-33 transfer line) and with other sources of resistance, and TR-3531 were tested for resistance in field conditions in order to determine if the new resistance gene was allelic with the H3, H5, H6, H12, H13, H18, H21, or H27 genes. Although the cultivars from UHFN are effective against Hessian fly in the United States, there is no evidence that the selected genes confer resistance to biotype present in Azuaga (southwestern Spain). The results and summarized in Table 1. All UHFN cultivars tested with different genes were resistant to this biotype, except the cultivar Abe with the gene H5, which showed a inconsistent reaction. The resistance gene H30 in line TR-3531 is nonallelic with respect to the genes H3, H6, H12, H13, H18, and H21 present in wheat cultivars from UHFN and H27 in the introgression line H-93-33 (Delibes et al. 1997a and b). Previously, we demonstrated that H30 in TR-3531 line was not allelic with respect H9 and H11 present in cultivars Ella and Kay, respectively (Delibes et al. 2001).

Table 1. Hessian fly reactions of the parents, F1, and F2 populations from crosses between wheats with different resistance genes and the resistant line TR-3531, a carrier of the H30 gene. Hessian fly reaction of line R-3531 is 25R:0S. R = resistance and S = susceptibility to Hessian fly. UHFN = Uniform Hessian Fly Nursery.

 Cultivar or UHFN line  Gene  Chromosome

 Hessian fly reaction

Crosses between cultivars of the UHFN / TR-3531

 UHFN line  No. F1 plants  No. F2 plants  X2(1:d.f.) 15:1 ratio
 R:S  R:S  R:S  Value  Probability (P)
 Howell  H3  5A  18:0  7:0  154:8  0.46  0.5
 Monon  H3  5A  19:0  9:0  187:6  3.25  0.05<P<0.1
 Caldwell  H6  5A  29:0  8:1  218:14  0.02  0.9
 841453 H15-1-1-2-5-2  H12  5A  26:1  2:0  95:1  4.45  0.01<P<0.05
 86925 RA1-16  H13  6DL  18:2  3:0  140:7  0.55  0.3<P<0.5
 Brule  H18  ---  15:4  7:0  141:2  5.74  0.01<P<0.05
 KS86HF012-23-6  H21  2BS  19:0  7:0  243:6  6.27  0.01<P<0.05
 H-93-33  H27  4M^v^  21:0  7:0  50:5  0.76  0.3<P<0.5

Advanced lines with the H30 gene were obtained by backcrossing the transfer line and different commercial wheats (cultivars Anza, Betres, Cajeme, Cartaya, Marius, Rinconada, and Osona) as recurrent parents. In all advanced lines, the infestation level was higher, but in the same range, than the donor. Several agronomic characteristics were studied in 16 advanced lines and the results of three of the lines are summarized in the Table 2. The best results were achieved with the Ma-6 line, which displayed good agronomic characteristics, in comparison to the susceptible controls, for the three traits studied. Another fact that increases the importance of this line is that it also carries the CCN resistance gene Cre7.

Table 2. Agronomic characteristics of three advanced lines with the H30 resistance gene in comparison to three bread wheat cultivars.

 Cultivar or line  Yield (g/m^2^)  Kernels/spikelet  1,000-kernel weight (g)
 T. aestivum cv. Osona  1,240.57  2.71  29.49
 T. aestivum cv. Astral  897.55  1.64  30.17
 T. aestivum cv. Adalid  1,687.51  2.65  33.14
 Ma6: TR/OS//OS/3/RN/4/OS/5/RN/6/AZ 3  1,914.12  3.00  43.37
 Ma4: TR/BT//AL/3/MA/4/3*BT 2  1,336.08  2.84  27.65
 Ma3: TR/3*OS//4*CYÄ/3/CJ 4  1,486.86  2.64  32.50
 Least significant difference (LSDP<0.05)  409.16  0.47  5.05
 Abbreviations used: Ma = advanced lines, TR = TR-353 line, AZ = Anza, BT = Betres, CJ = Cajeme, CY = Cartaya, MA = Marius, OS = Osona, RN = Rinconada, = selfing.

Cooperation with other institutions. We are cooperating with Acorex (Cooperative of Extremadura farmers).

Financial support. This work was supported by grants AGL2001-3824-CO4, PTR 95-0496-OP CO1021001 from CICYT "Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia" of Spain and IPR99A042 (Junta de Extremadura).


  • Delibes A, Del Moral J, Martín-Sánchez JA, Mejías A, Gallego M, Casado D, Sin E and López-Braña I. 1997a. Hessian fly-resistance gene transferred from chromosome 4Mv of Aegilops ventricosa to Triticum aestivum. Theor Appl Genet 94:858-864.
  • Delibes A, López-Braña I, Martín-Sanchez JA, Sin E, Martínez C, Michelena A, Del Moral J and Mejías A. 1997b. Transfer of one gene for resistance to Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor) from Aegilops ventricosa to cultivars of wheat. Ann Wheat Newslet 43:214-215.
  • Delibes A, López-Braña I, Montes MJ, Gómez-Colmenarejo M, Romero D, Andrés MF, Martín-Sánchez JA, Sin E, Martínez C, Michelena A, del Moral J, and Mejías A. 2001. Transfer of resistance genes to Hessian fly and Cereal Cyst nematode from Aegilops triuncialis to hexaploid wheat and its use in breeding programs. Ann Wheat Newslet 47:198-200.
  • Romero MD, Montes MJ, Sin E, López-Braña I, Duce A, Martín-Sánchez JA, Andrés MF and Delibes A. 1998. A cereal cyst nematode (Heterodera avenae Woll.) resistance gene transferred from Aegilops triuncialis to hexaploid wheat. Theor Appl Genet 96:1135-1140.

Publications. [p. 143-144]

  • Andrés MF, Romero D, Montes MJ and Delibes A. 2001. Genetic relationships and isozyme variability in Heterodera avenae complex determined by isoelectrofocusing. Plant Pathol 50:270-279.
  • Andrés MF, Melillo MT, Delibes A, Romero MD and Bleve-Zacheo T. 2001. Changes in wheat root enzymes correlated with resistance to cereal cyst nematodes. New Phytol 152:343-354.
  • Andrés MF, Melillo MT, Delibes A, Romero MD and Bleve-Zacheo T. 2001. Biochemical and cytochemical changes in a resistant wheat/Aegilops ventricosa introgression line during cereal cyst nematode infection. In: Proc 11th Cong Mediter Phytopathological Union and 3rd Cong Sociedade Portuguesa de Fitopatologia, Evora (Portugal), 17-20 September.
  • Andrés MF, Melillo MT, Delibes A, Romero MD and Bleve-Zacheo T. 2002. Biochemical and cytochemical changes in a resistant wheat/Aegilops ventricosa introgression line during cereal cyst nematode infection. Phytopath Meditet (in press).
  • Delibes A, López-Braña I, Montes MJ, Gómez-Colmenarejo M, Romero MD, Andrés MF, Martín-Sánchez JA, Sin E, Martínez C, Michelena A, del Moral J and Mejías A. 2001. Transfer of resistance genes to Hessian fly and cereal cyst nematode from Aegilops triuncialis to hexaploid wheat and its use in breeding programs. Ann Wheat Newslet 47:198-200.
  • Delibes A, López-Braña I, Montes MJ, Gómez-Colmenarejo M, González-Belinchón C, Romero D, Andrés MF, Martín-Sánchez, JA, Sin, E, Martínez C, and Michelena A. 2002. Differential induction of defence-enzymes and chromosomal location of two Heterodera avenae resistance genes transferred to wheat from Aegilops ventricosa. Ann Wheat Newslet 48:165-167.
  • Delibes A, López-Braña I, Montes MJ, Gómez-Colmenarejo M, González-Belinchón C, Martín-Sanchéz JA, Sin E, Martínez C, and Michelena A, del Moral J, Pérez-Rojas F, and Espinal FJ. 2002. Resistance to Hessian fly conferred by the gene H27. Relationships with other sources of resistance and its effect in some agronomic traits. Ann Wheat Newslet 48:167-169.
  • Del Moral J, Delibes A, Martín JA, Pérez-Rojas F, Rubiales D, Merino M, Sin E, Martínez C, Montes MJ, Sereno M and Campos L. 2001. Selección de una colección de líneas avanzadas de trigo con resistencia a Mayetiola destructor Say. por su comportamiento frente a los patógenos y accidentes fisiológicos más importantes de este cultivo en la Campiña Sur de Extremadura. In: Proc II Congr Nac Ent Aplicada, VIII Jornadas Científicas de la S.E.E.A. Pamplona (Spain), November (in Spanish).
  • Del Moral, J, Delibes A, Martín-Sánchez JA, Mejías A, López-Braña I, Sin E, Montes MJ, Pérez-Rojas F, Espinal F and Senero M. 2002. Obtención de líneas de trigo resistentes a Mayetiola destructor Say en la campiña sur de Extremadura. Boletín Sanidad Vegetal 28(4):585-590 (in Spanish).
  • Martín-Sánchez JA, Gómez-Colmenarejo M, Del Moral J, Sin E, Montes MJ, González-Belinchón C, López-Braña I, Delibes A. 2002. A new Hessian fly resistance gene (H30) transferred from the wild grass Aegilops triuncialis to hexaploid wheat. Theor Appl Genet (in press).
  • Martín-Sánchez JA, Montes MJ, López-Braña I, Romero MD, Sin E, Martínez C, Andrés MF, Gómez-Colmenarejo M, González-Belinchón C, Delibes A. 2002. Differential induction of defence-enzymes and chromosomal location in wheat/Aegilops ventricosa introgression lines of Cre2 and Cre5 Heterodera avenae resistance genes. In: Eucarpia Cereal Sect Meet, Salsomaggiore, Italy, 21-25 November.
  • Montes MJ. 2001. Transferencia de un gen de resistencia al nematodo de quiste de los cereales, Heterodera avenae, desde Aegilops triuncialis a trigo hexaploide. Relaciones con otros genes de resistencia. PhD Thesis. Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain (in Spanish).
  • Montes MJ, Gómez-Colmenarejo M, Andrés MF, Romero MD, López-Braña I, Delibes A. 2002. Inducción de enzimas relacionados con el estrés oxidativo en líneas de introgresión trigo/Aegilops portadoras de los genes de resistencia a Heterodera avenae Cre2, Cre5 y Cre7. In: Proc XI Congr Soc Esp Fitopatología, Almería, Spain, 14-18 October (in Spanish).
  • Montes MJ, López-Braña I, Gómez-Colmenarejo M and Delibes A. 2001. Enzimas relacionadas con el estres oxidativo inducidas en raices de trigos resistentes Heterodera avenae, en respuesta a la infestacion por el nematodo. Congr Soc Esp Genet, Sevilla, Spain, 19-22 September (in Spanish).
  • Montes MJ, López-Braña I, Romero, MD, Sin E, Andrés MF, Martín-Sánchez JA, Gómez-Colmenarejo M and Delibes A. 2002. Comparative study of two Heterodera avenae resistance genes from Aegilops ventricosa. Differences in defence-enzymes induction and chromosomal location in wheat/Ae. ventricosa introgression lines. In: Proc 4th Internat Congr Nemat, Tenerife, Spain, 8-13 June.
  • Ogbonnaya S, Seah I, Delibes A, Jahier J, López-Braña I, Eastwood RF and Lagudah ES. 2001. Molecular-genetic characterisation of nematode resistance from Aegilops ventricosa and its derivatives in wheat. Theor Appl Genet 102:263-269.
  • Sin E, Montes MJ, Romero MD, López-Braña I, Andrés MF, Martín-Sánchez JA, Benavente E, Gómez-Colmenarejo M, Delibes A. 2001. Transferencia del gen de resistencia a Heterodera avenae (Cre7) desde Aegilops triuncialis a trigo hexaploide. In: Congr Soc Esp Genet, Sevilla, Spain, 19-22 September (in Spanish).