BGN 1: The identification of an additional gene for net blotch resistance BARLEY GENETICS NEWSLETTER, VOL. 1, II. RESEARCH NOTES
Khan & Boyd, p. 25

II.14 The identification of an additional gene for net blotch resistance.

T. N. Khan and W. J. R. Boyd. Department of Agronomv, The University of Western Australia, Nedlands, Western Australia 6009.

Mode and Schaller (1958) identified three genes for net blotch resistance, naming them Pt1, Pt2 and Pt3. In our studies, using varieties carrying the above genes, we have concluded that Tifang (Pt1), Ming (Pt2), and C.I.5791 and C.I.9819 have a gene in common to race W. A.-3 of D. teres, which must be additional to those already identified. C.I.5791 and C.I.9819 each carry a second gene for resistance to race W. A.-3 that has not yet been identified.

The fourth gene, we have for convenience in publication, referred to as Pt,,d.

(Editor's Note: The symbol Pta used by the author as a provisionary symbol was changed to Pt,,d)

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