BGN 10: Telotrisomic analysis of an incompletely dominant short awn gene in barley BARLEY GENETICS NEWSLETTER, VOL. 10, II. RESEARCH NOTES
Tsuchiya and Fujigaki, pp. 65-66

II. 28. Telotrisomic analysis of an incompletely dominant short awn gene in barley.*

T. Tsuchiya and J. Fujigaki.** Department of Agronomy, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523, U.S.A.

* Supported in part by Research Grant No. 12-14-5001-265 and Competitive Research Grant No. 5901-0410-9-0334-0 from USDA/SEA to the senior author.
** Visiting Associate Professor in Agronomy Department; leave of absence from Tokyo University of Agriculture, Tokyo, Japan.

The primary and telotrisomic analysis has been carried out to associate an incompletely dominant gene for short awn in an X-ray induced mutant KM200. The mutant was induced in a cultivar Hakata Nigo (No. 2) (Tsuchiya, 1962). The results so far obtained are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Results of primary and telotrisomic analysis in trisomics x KM200, 1972-1978.

The results clearly indicated that the short-awned gene is not associated with chromosome 1S, 2L, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 with obvious disomic segregating ratio and the occurrence of an appreciable number of recessive homozygotes in the trisomic portion of F2 generation.

In this note the result of telotrisomic analysis in Triplo 2S x KM200 is reported.

Table 2. Results of telotrisomic analysis in Triplo 2S x KM200.

This result (Table 2) showed that the short-awned gene is not associated with the short arm of chromosome 2 (2S). Trisomic analysis is now underway for the suspected chromosome arm 1L.


Tsuchiya, T. 1962. Radiation breeding in two-rowed barley. Seiken Ziho 14:21-34.

Tsuchiya, T. and R.L. Haines. 1975. BGN 5:67-70.

Tsuchiya, T. and L.B. Nall. 1978. BGN 8:104-107.

Tsuchiya. T. and R.J. Singh. 1972. BGN 2:99.

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