BGN 12: Additional information on the characteristics of telotrisomic 3S in barley BARLEY GENETICS NEWSLETTER, VOL. 12, II. RESEARCH NOTES
Tsuchiya et al., pp. 35-36

II. 15. Additional information on the characteristics of telotrisomic 3S in barley. (1)

T. Tsuchiya, R. J. Singh and A. Shahla, Department of Agronomy, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523, U.S.A.

(1) Supported by USDA/SEA Competitive Research Grant 5901-0410-9-0334-0 and USDA/SEA Cooperative Research Grant 12-14-5001-265 and CSU Hatch project.

Backcrosses were made to the original Triplo 3S which was obtained in the progeny of a novel compensating partial tetrasomic diploid plant (2n = 13 + 1 acro 3L3S + 1 telo 3S) (Singh and Tsuchiya, 1981a,b). In one backcross progeny a primary trisomic plant (Triplo 3) was obtained in addition to Triplo 3S and diploids. Some measurements of several plants organs were made with the results shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Characteristics of Triplo 3S compared to normal diploid and Triplo 3 in barley.

These observations are not final, but serve as a measure to identify these materials during their growth.

Except for its smaller size, Triplo 3S is rather similar to the normal diploid in its gross morphological characteristics with almost normal green plant color compared to pale green in Triplo 3 and Triplo 3L. Spike shape is normal with slightly fewer seeds per spike compared to the extremely compact spike in Triplo 3 and Triplo 3L.

The pollen fertility of Triplo 3S was 92.8% compared to 95.1% in the diploid. Seed set was also high in selfing (95.0%).

Meiotic chromosome behavior was studied at metaphase I with the results shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Meiotic chromosome configurations at metaphase I in Triplo 3S compared to Triplo 3L and Triplo 3 (primary).

Apparently the long arm (Triplo 3L) showed higher frequency of complicated trivalent type (ring-and-rod with three chiasmata). The primary trisomic plant (Triplo 3) showed even higher frequency of more complicated trivalent types.


Singh, R. J. and T. Tsuchiya. 1981a. BGN 11:66-68.

Singh, R. J. and T. Tsuchiya. 1981b. BGN 11:69.

Singh, R. J. and T. Tsuchiya. 1981c. Bot. Gaz. 142:267-273.

Tsuchiya, T. 1967. Can. J. Genet. Cytol. 9:667-682.

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