BGN 14: Additional information on genetic analysis with acrotrisomic 1L1S and four marker stocks BARLEY GENETICS NEWSLETTER, VOL. 14, II. RESEARCH NOTES
Shahla & Tsuchiya, pp. 8-9

II. 3. Additional information on genetic analysis with acrotrisomic 1L1S and four marker stocks.(1)

A. Shahla and T. Tsuchiya, Department of Agronomy, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523 U.S.A.

(1) Supported by USDA Competitive Research Grant 82-CRCR-1-1020, USDA-CSU Cooperative Research Grant 58-9AHZ-2-265 and CSU Hatch Project.

Previous results from the genetic analysis of acrotrisomic 1L1S and the triple marker stock f8, lk2, and n (Tsuchiya and Fujigaki, 1981; Shahla and Tsuchiya, 198 3 showed that f8 and lk2 are not located on the acrocentric chromosome 1L1S, but the results for n character was not clear. In the present study all 3 marker genes were once again analyzed with acrotrisomic 1L1S and the results are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Segregation ratios in F2 generation in crosses of acrotrisomic 1L1S with four marker stocks.

Gene n showed trisomic ratio with acrotrisomic 1L1S and no homozygous trisomic was recovered for this mutant indicating that this gene is located in the intact segment on the long arm of acrocentric chromosome 1L1S.

When ac2 (albino seedling) was analyzed with this acrotrisomic (Table 1) segregation ratio did not fit to disomic (3:1) ratio, but the recovery of three homozygous recessive trisomics indicated that this gene is located on the missing segment of the short arm of acrocentric chromosome 1L1S.


Shahla, A. and T. Tsuchiya. 1983. Additional information of genetic analysis with acrotrisomic 1L1S and triple marker stock f8, lk2, n. BGN 13:28-29.

Tsuchiya T. and J. Fujigaki. 1981. Genetic analysis with acrotrisomic 1L1S. BGN 11:59-60.

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