BGN 17: Coordinator's Report: Chromosome 1

Coordinator's Report: Chromosome 1

S. E. Ullrich
Department of Agronomy and Soils
Washington State University
Pullman, Washington 99164-6420, USA "R"

Several incompletely dominant alleles at the lk2 locus on chromosome 1 have been reported by Ramage and Eckhoff (1985) and by Ramage (1986). Since the official gene description (BGN3:119) describes lk2 as monofactorial recessive to the long-awned condition, the implication is that the lk2 locus has several alleles that differ in expression and dominance relationships.

The monofactorial recessive gene of a spontaneous mutant for fragile stems and leaves and dwarf height (70% of original cultivar) found in the Japanese naked cultivar 'Kobinkatagi 4' was located on chromosome 1 by primary trisomic analysis (Hayashi and Moriya, 1985). Hayashi and Moriya, 1985). Hayashi and Moriya designated this gene fs3, since fs1 and fs2 are located on chromosomes 7 and 5, respectively.

The X-ray induced mutant Kmut 239 from the 2-row cultivar 'Kirin Choku 1' carried a monofactorial recessive glossy leaf gene which was designated g15 by Hayashi et al., (1984). This gene was located to chromosome 1 by negative data from trisomic analysis and positive linkage data from crosses with br and n. The g15 locus was positioned between br and n; 23.7 map units from br and 32.3 map unit from n. The other g1 mutants 1-4 have been located to chromosome 4 (BGN 16:87- 88). However, the associations between g15 and the many eceriferum (cer) loci reported by U. Lundqvist and D. von Wettstein (BGN 15:89-93) and earlier BGN volumes) were not discussed.

A spontaneous mutant in MK 6827 with shrunken endosperm was designated sex6 by Biyashev et al. (1986), who reported linkage on chromosome 1.

Two genes CMa and CMc encoding CM proteins previously designated A hordeins were associated with chromosome 1 based on wheat-barley addition line analysis (Salcedo et al., 1984). Several isozyme marker genes were also located with wheat-barley addition lines (Salinas et al. 1985). These are Cpxe-H1 and Cpxe-H2 (peroxidase); Phs-H5 alkaline phosphatase; Phe-H2, Phe-H3 and Phe-H4 (acid phosphatase) and Ests-H2 and Ests-H4 (esterase). Hart et al. (1980) also located EP-H1 (endopeptidase) on chromosome 1 with wheat barley addition lines. With these three studies with wheat- barley addition lines evidence was presented for homology between ('Betzes') barley chromosome 1 and rye and ('Chinese spring') wheat chromosome 7. The same conclusion was reached by Muravenko et al. (1986) by comparing C-banded chromosomes of barley and the B genome of wheat.

Zhou et al. (1983) in a karyotype study of Hordeum vulgare, H. spontaneum and H. agricrithon from Tibet reported that while chromosome 1 of H. spontaneum and H. agricrithan had median centromeres, H. vulgare did not. This is contrary to previous studies with European/North American H. vulgare barleys, where evidence from Giemsa N banding (Singh and Tsuchiya, 1982) and C banding (Noda and Kasha, 1978) indicated that chromosome 1 had a very median centromere. This difference may be due to differences in techniques or difference in H. vulgare based on origin; Tibet vs Europe/North America.


Biyashev, R. M., V. P. Netsvetaev and A. A. Sozinov. 1986. Genetic control of some qualitative morphological and biochemical characters and location of three genetic factors on chromosomes 1 and 5 of Hordeum vulgare. Genetika 22: 296-303.

Hart, G. E., A. K. M. R. Islam and K. W. Sheperd. 1980. Use of isozymes as chromosome markers in the isolation and characterization of wheat-barley chromosome addition lines. Genet. Res. 36: 311-326.

Hayashi, J., T. Konishit 1. Moriya, and R. Takahashi. 1984. Inheritance and linkage studies in barley VI. Ten mutant genes located on chromosomes I to 7 except 3. Ber. Ohara Inst. Landw. Biol., Okayama Univ. 18:227-250.

Hayashi, J. and I. Moriya. 1985. Trisomic analysis of a fragile stem mutant found in Kobinkatagi 4. BGN 15:47.

Muravenknoo, 0. V., N. S. Badaev, E. D. Badaeva, V. A. Pukhal Shii and A. V. Zelenin. 1986. Identification of barley chromosomes in accordance with the genetical nomenclature of wheat chromosomes. Doklady Akadedii Nauk SSSR 288: 724-727.

Noda, K. and K. J. Kash&. 1978. A proposed barley karyotype revision based on C-band chromosome identification. Crop Sci. 18:925-930.

Ramage, R. T. 1986. Alleles at the short-awned loci lk2 on chromosome 1 and lk5 on chromosome 4. BGN 16:22-23.

Ramage, R. T. and J. L. A. Eckhoff. 1985. Assignment of mutants in Morex to chromosomes. BGN 15:22-25.

Salcedo, G., P. Fra-Mon, J. L. Molino-Cano, C. Aragoncillo and F. Garcia-Olmedo. 1984. Genetics of CM proteins A hordeins in barley. Theor. Appl. Genet. 68:53-59.

Salinas, J., A. M. Figueiras, M. T. Gonzalez-Jean and C. Benito. 1985. Chromosomal location of isozyme markers in wheat-barley addition lines. Theor. Appl. Genet. 70:192- 198.

Singh, R. J. and T. Tsuchiya. 1982. Identification and designation of telocentric chromosomes in barley Hordeum vulgare by giemsa N banding technique. Theor. Appl. Genet. 64:13-24.

Zhou, Z. Q., Q. Q. Shao and Z. H. Zhou. 1983. Analysis of Karyotype and esterase isozymes of cultivated and wild barleys from the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau. Acta Genetica Sinica 10:203-208.

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