html> BGN 17: Call for manuscripts to BGN Vol. 18, 1988

Call for manuscripts to BGN Vol. 18, 1988

Barley Genetics Newsletter Vol. 18 wil be published in the early summer of 1988. Manuscripts will be accepted until April 30, 1988.

The contents to be included are as follows:

  1. Special notices

  2. Research notes

  3. Genetic and cytological techniques

  4. Reports from coordinators assigned at the International Barley Genetics Symposium

  5. Current linkage maps

  6. Description of genetic stocks

  7. List of genetic stocks

  8. List of recent publications on barley genetics

  9. Errata

  10. Mailing list

In preparaton of manuscripts please read the following rules carefully and follow the instructions.

Rules for Contributions to Barley Genetics Newsletter (BGN)

  1. The information in this Newsletter is of an informal nature to stimulate thought and to exchange ideas among barley geneticists. Before quoting any statements in the BGN, contact the contributor(s) involved, with the following exception decided at the Second International Barley Genetics Symposium at Washington State University, Pullman, July, 1969:
    "With regard to symbols and stock designations, the Newsletter (BGN) concerned with symbols, stock lists and linkage maps may be cited without permission...".
  2. Manuscripts should be written in English and should be brief.

  3. Prepare all linkage maps and/or figures (photos and line drawings) on a separate sheet from the text. This enables the editors to incorporate these items in appropriate places in the BGN. The figures should be prepared in the same way as the manuscript for journals. Line drawings and linkage maps should be original, NOT Xerox copy.

  4. Typewritten original manuscript and a carbon or Xerox copy should be sent to the editor. The manuscript should be typed in double space. Each paper should be prepared separately.

  5. Manuscripts should be prepared carefully and proof-read after typed, because the editors do not have responsibility for any error or mistake even though editor makes corrections of an obvious error. I

  6. A limited number of black and white photographs will be accepted. The photographs should be of good quality. The editorial committee reserves the right to make selection if it is necessary. The number of photos should be limited to a minimum. In order to save cost of reproduction and get better quality, all photos will be reduced for reproduction in the Newsletter. Therfore, please prepare your original picture larger than the size to be printed.

  7. Lined figures: If you would like to keep the original figures, please send a glossy photo of the original to the editor, but NOT a Xerox copy.

  8. Please give your complete mailing address including the name of the country in all correspondence.

    Send your manuscript before April 30, 1988 to:

    Dr. T. E. Haus
    Department of Agronomy
    Colorado State University
    Fort Collins, CO 80523

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