BGN 2: Materials to be included in Barley Genetics Newsletter BARLEY GENETICS NEWSLETTER, VOL. 2, I. SPECIAL NOTICES
Editors, pp. 1-2

I.3. Materials to be included in Barley Genetics Newsletter

In the committee Report in Barley Genetics II, the materials to be included in the Vol. 1 of Barley Genetics Newsletter were described (p.618). As you recognized already, many of the materials mentioned in the report have not been included in BGN., Vol. 1: There are some reasons for it. First, the editors were not quite aware of the detail mentioned in the report. Secondly, it was not quite so easy to fulfill the demands mentioned: for example, it was found that there was some confusion in the materials, gene symbols and linkage studies. Furthermore, it was very difficult and sometimes even impossible to clear the confusion because many papers did not have enough information on the materials, procedures, and/or results. However, as the status in the Stock Center in Fort Collins for the system of maintenance of the genetic stocks and the nomenclature and symbolization of barley genes improves, the demand or suggested items will be included as soon as possible.

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