BGN 20: BGS 507: Male sterile 44, msg44cx

BGS 507: Male sterile 44, msg44cx

Previous nomenclature and symbolization:

Normal vs male sterile, Msg,,cx msg,,cx
Monofactorial recessive (1)
Located on chromosome - unknown (2)
Selfing - none (1)
Outcrossing - complete female fertility
Stamens - anthers rudimentary, no stomium or filament elongation
Origin of mutant:
Spontaneous occurrence in the six-rowed cultivar HA6-33-02 (1)
Mutational events:
msq44cx in HA6-33-02 (1)
Mutant used for description and seed stock:
msg44cx in HA6-33-02
  1. Hockett, E. A. 1975. The genetic male sterile barley collection. BGN 5:84-86
  2. Hockett, E. A. 1991. The genetic male sterile collection. Identification of eight new loci and allelism of 14 additional mutants. BGN 20:37-40.


E.A. Hockett, 1991.

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