BGN 23: Coordinator's report: Chromosome duplications

Coordinator's report: Chromosome duplications

Arne Hagberg
Department of Crop Genetics and Breeding, Swedish University of Agriculture
S-268 31 Svalöv, Sweden

All the chromosome duplication stocks in barley as reported in BGN Volume 21: 130 - 136 areincreased and their seeds are incorporated into the Nordic Gene Bank. Their description and cytogenetical analyses are compiled in a database. The material is available to every research worker. Seed requests of chromosome duplication stocks can be sent to the coordinator for chromosome duplications. Every contribution and research reports in this field are welcome to be sent to the coordinator, as well.


Hagberg, A. and Hagberg, P. 1991. Coordinator's report: Chromosome duplications. Stock lists of lines to be included in the Nordic Gene Bank. BGN 21: 130 - 136.

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