Coordinator's report: Eceriferum genes

Udda Lundqvist

Svalöf Weibull AB, SE-268 81 Svalöv, Sweden.

Since the latest reports in Barley Genetics Newsletter (BGN) no allelic tests have been conducted or reported on the Eceriferum genes. Regarding the localizations in the chromosomes some revisions have to be made since the latest report in BGN 25.108-110. The corrections are listed below:

Chromosome 7H (1):

All in the long arm listed cer genes: gs3 (gsh3)=cer-a, cer-f, cer-z, cer-ze=gl5 (glf5) and cer-yg are localized in the short arm.

The unspecified cer-k gene is localized in 7HS (1S) (2).

Chromosome 2H:

The unspecified cer-yb gene is localized in 2HL (2).

cer-zk is also localized in 2H, but unspecified (1).

Chromosome 3H.

The in the long arm listed cer-yh gene is localized in the short arm (2).

The in the short arm listed cer-zd gene is localized in the long arm.


Franckowiak, J.D. (personal communications).

Franckowiak, J.D. 1995. Notes on linkage drag in Bowman backcross derived lines of spring barley. BGN 24:63-70.