BGN 29: Coordinator's report: Early Maturity Genes

Coordinator's report: Early Maturity Genes

Udda Lundqvist

Svalöf Weibull AB
SE-268 81 Svalöv, Sweden

No new research work on early maturity genes has been performed or reported since the latest report in Barley Genetics Newsletter BGN 28:108-109. All descriptions mentioned in this report are still up-to-date and valid, and are available in the special volume of the Barley Genetics Newsletter, BGN 26. The publication of this volume can be found also as electronic version under the address:

Current lists of new and revised BGS descriptions are again presented by BGS number order as Table 2 in Barley Genetics Newsletter BGN 28:35-44 and by locus symbol in alphabetic order as Table 3 in BGN 28:45-54.

The incorporation and conversion of the descriptions of the early maturity loci into the International Triticeae Genome Database "GrainGenes" according to the ACEDB format is still in progress and will hopefully be fulfilled during the next months of 1999. Also the feeding of images illustrating the different "Early maturity" and "Praematurum" loci is still in progress. Some new pictures have again been taken during the last summer season of 1998 in Fargo ND, USA.

Many of the stocks of these mutant genes are available at the Genetics Stock Center in Aberdeen ID, USA. The Swedish "praematurum" loci with all the many alleles are available at the Nordic Gene Bank, Box P.O. 41, SE-230 53 Alnarp, Sweden. FAX: +46 40 462188, e-mail:

Researchers in the field of early maturity genes are urgently encouraged to submit matters of interest and research to the coordinator as well. Seed requests can be forwarded to the Nordic Gene Bank regarding the Swedish material, all the others to the Genetics Stock Center or to the coordinator at any time. Only small samples (about 30 seeds) can be delivered.

Recent references:

Davis, M.P., J.D. Franckowiak, T. Konishi, and U. Lundqvist. 1997. New and revised Barley Genetic (BGS) descriptions. Barley Genetics Newsletter, 1996 Special Issue, Volume 26. Pp. 533.

Lundqvist, U. and Jerome D. Franckowiak. 1998. Descriptions of barley genetic stocks for 1997. Barley Genetics Newsletter, BGN 28:26-54.

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