BGN 29: Instructions for Contributions to the Barley Genetics Newsletter


Manuscripts should be written in English and be brief. Each paper should be prepared separately, with the title and the authors' names and addresses at the top of the first page. For each paper to be included in Barley Genetics Newsletter Volume 30, submit a file to the Technical Editor in one of the following ways (in order of preference)

  1. An attachment to an e-mail message
  2. A 3.5" diskette; include also one high quality printed copy
  3. High-quality paper copy

Paper copies will not be necessary for e-mail submissions in one of the preferred formats.

Send submissions, before January 31 2000, to:

Dr. Phil Bregitzer
BGN Technical Editor
P.O. Box 307
Aberdeen, ID, 83210, USA
Telephone: (voice) 208-397-4162 ext. 116
(fax) 208-397-4165

Instructions for file preparation

Text and tables for each article can be in one file; place each figure in a separate file. Name these files with:

  • your initials
  • a manuscript number
  • "txt" or "fig" (in the case of separate files for text and figures)
  • a number for each figure (in the case of separate files)
  • an appropriate file extension, depending on the file format

For example, the files for a manuscript from Phil Bregitzer might be named:


File Formats for Text and Tables: Preferred: WordPerfect 8.0 or Word 97. It will be possible to convert many other file types, including:

  • older versions of Word and WordPerfect
  • most other common word processing programs (not Mac)
  • other commonly used text files, such as ASCII text

Please keep formatting simple!! Do not use headers, footers, automatic formatting options, etc. because their presence in your file will unnecessarily hinder its integration with other files which may contain different formatting codes. Please use only tabs and hard returns in the preparation of your file--any additional formatting will be done by the technical editor.

Important note: if you submit ASCII files, please submit a hardcopy of your submission. Please submit ASCII files only as a last resort; ASCII files do not preserve import formatting instructions, and their use entails extensive editing.

Please keep tables simple (less than 80 characters wide, including spaces). Tables should be prepared using the table features of WordPerfect or Microsoft Word. Tables prepared within the text using tabs are NOT acceptable. Alternative format for tables: Tables in separate ASCII text files (e.g. named pb1tab1.txt, pb1tab2.txt, etc.) with columns aligned with spaces (not tabs).

File formats for Figures: Preferred: GIF. Figures submitted in other formats will be converted. Acceptable formats, other than GIF, include:

  • TIFF
  • JPEG
  • BMP
  • PCX
  • PPM
  • Photopaint
  • Paintbrush
  • PowerPoint

Please contact the technical editor if you wish to submit text or image files that you suspect may not be compatible with the programs listed above.

Please keep formatting simple to facilitate electronic publication. Some special symbols can't be included in HTML documents (for example, greek letters, curly quotation marks), while others can be included, but can't be viewed by all WWW browsers.

Note: Authors are encouraged to submit, in addition to the files requested above, an HTML version of their contributions. This will facilitate a complete and accurate electronic publication of your report.

We can include color figures in the electronic version, but only black and white in the hardcopy. Send both if you like.

If you must submit a paper copy only:

Print this the way you would like to see your manuscript appear in the Newsletter, particularly the tables and figures. Make it camera-ready:

single-spaced with a double space between paragraphs
no page numbers
no line numbers
text no wider than 15.5 cm and no longer than 23 cm
text starting 3 cm down and 3 cm to the right of the upper left-hand
corner of the paper
font: Times New Roman 12 pt

Questions? Contact Phil Bregitzer

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