pp. 134-142

In the last issue, Vol. 3, coordinators were asked to prepare description of genetic stocks for each chromosome and specific group of mutants. This year the editors received only descriptions of new mutants of male sterile and desynapsis types. As obviously seen in the List of Genetic Stocks (BGN 4:131) many important genetic marker stocks do not have a gene description in BGN. We ask again the coordinators to prepare a description of genetic stocks for EACH CHROMOSOME and new mutant series such as ERECTOIDES, ECERIFERUM, etc. We hope that a somewhat complete list of genetic stocks will be published in the next issue, Vol. 5.

BGS 386    Normal vs. male sterile    Msg 25r msg 25r

Previous nomenclature and symbolization:  Normal vs. male sterile, Msg, r msg, r (2)

Monofactorial recessive (3)
Located on chromosome 4 (1, 3, 5)

Selfing - 0.7% at Bozeman, Mt. (3)
Outcrossing - Complete female fertility (3)
Stamen - Anthers smaller than fertile sib, but some have stomium. Some filament elongation.

Origin of mutant:  Spontaneous occurrence in the cultivar Betzes CI 6398 (2)

Mutational events:  msg 25r in Betzes CI 6398, spontaneous (2)

Mutant used for description and seed stock:  msg 25r in Betzes CI 6398

1. Eslick, R. F. 1970. Proc. 2nd. Int. Barley Genet. Symp.: 292-297. WSU Press, Pullman, Washington.
2. Hockett, E. A., R. F. Eslick, D. A. Reid, and G. A. Wiebe. 1968. Crop Science 8:754-755.
3. Hockett, E. A. and R. F. Eslick. 1970. Proc. 2nd. Int. Barley Genet. Symp.: 298-307. WSU Press, Pullman, Washington.
4. Hockett, E. A. 1974. Barley Genet. Newsletter 4:121-123.
5. Kusknak, G. D. 1972. Barley Genet. Newsletter 2:45.

Prepared:  E. A. Hockett

According to the article by Kushnak (1972) BGN 2:45, he used ms-v not ms-r. Editors.

BGS 387    Normal vs. male sterile    Msg 26u msg 26u

Previous nomenclature and symbolization:  Normal vs. male sterile, Msg, u msg, u (1)

Monofactorial recessive ( 2)
Located on chromosome - unknown ( 2)

Selfing - None (2)
Outcrossing - Complete female fertility (2)
Stamen - Anthers smaller than fertile sib with no stomium; no filament elongation.

Origin of mutant:  Spontaneous occurrance in the cultivar Unitan, CI 10421 (1)

Mutational events:  msg 26u in Unitan CI 10421, spontaneous (1)

Mutant used for description and seed stock:  msg 26u in Unitan CI 10421

1. Hockett, E. A., R. F. Eslick, D. A. Reid, and G. A. Wiebe. 1968. Crop Science 8:754-755.
2. Hockett, E. A. and R. F. Eslick. 1970. Proc. 2nd Int. Barley Genet. Symp.: 298-307. WSU Press, Pullman, Washington.
3. Hockett, E. A. 1974. Barley Genet. Newsletter. 4 :121-123.

BGS 388   Normal vs. desynapsis    Des9 des9

Previous nomenclature and gene symbolization:  Normal vs. desynspsis, Des,,n des,,n (1,2).

Inheritance:  Monofactorial recessive.

Description:  The chromosomes are paired during pachytene and undergo desynapsis during diplotene and diakinesis. The average degree of desynapsis is O.9 ranging from 7 ring bivalents (d = O) to 5 rod bivalents (d = 5). Ovule fertility is about 90%.

Origin of mutant: Spontaneous occurrence in the cultivar Betzes C.I.6398.

Mutational events: des9n spontaneous occurrence in the cultivar Betzes C.I.6398.

Mutant used for description and seed stock: des9n in Betzes C.I.6398.

1. Hernandez-Soriano, J. M. and R. T. Ramage. 1973. Barley Genetics Newsletter 3: 91.
2. Ramage, R. T. and J. M. Hernandez-Soriano. Genetics Newsletter 2: 65-68.

Prepared:  J. M. Hernandez-Soriano and R. T. Ramage. 1973.

BGS 389    Normal vs. desynapsis    Des1O des1O

Previous nomenclature and gene symbolization:  Normal vs. desynapsis, Des,,p des,,p (1,2).

Inheritance:  Monofactorial recessive.

Description:  The chromosomes are paired during pachytene and undergo desynapsis during diplotene and diakinesis. The average degree of desynapsis is 2.0 ranging fros 7 ring bivalents (d = 0) to 3 ring bivalents + 2 rod bivalents + 4 univalents (d = 6). Ovule fertility is about 60 to 80%.

Origin of mutant:  Spontaneous occurrence in the cultivar Betzes C.I.6398.

Mutational events:
des1Op spontaneous occurrence in the cultivar Betzes C.I.6398.
des1Op spontaneous occurrence in the cultivar Betzes C.I.6398.

Mutant used for description and seed stock:  des1Op in Betzes C.I.6398.

1. Hernandez-Soriano, J. M. and R. T. Ramage. 1973. Barley Genetics Newsletter 3: 91.
2. Ramage, R. T. and J. M. Hernandez-Soriano. 1972. Barley Genetics Newsletter 2: 65-68.

Prepared:  J. M. Hernandez-Soriano and R. T. Ramage. 1973.

BGS 390 Normal vs. desynapsis    Des11 des11

Previous nomenclature and gene symbolization:  Normal vs. desynapsis, Des,,r des,,r (1,2).

Inheritance: Monofactorial recessive.

Description: The chromososes are paired during pachytene and undergo desynapsis during diplotene and diakinesis. The average degree of desynapsis is 5.7 ranging from 6 ring bivalents + 1 rod bivalent (d = 1) to 2 rod bivalents + 10 univalents (d = 12). Lagging chromosomes and micronuclei are frequently observed at Telophase I. Ovule fertility is about 40%. When crossed with the non-allelic desynaptic mutants des4 and des5, the F1's frequently show a low degree of desynapsis (up to 3 rod bivalents). When crossed with des7, the F1 shows a low to medium degree of desynapsis (d = 1.8) ranging from 7 ring bivalents (d = 0) to 4 ring bivalents + 1 rod bivalent + 4 univalents (d = 5) and there are some lagging chromosomes and micronuclei at Telophase I.

Origin of mutant: Spontaneous occurrence in the cultivar Betzes C.I.6398.

Mutational events: des11r spontaneous occurrence in the cultivar Betzes C.I.6398.

Mutant used for description and seed stock: des11r in Betzes C.I.6398.

1. Hernandez-Soriano, J. M. and R. T. Ramge. 1973. Barley Genetics Newsletter 3: 91.
2. Ramage, R. T. and J. M. Hernandez-Soriano. 1972. Barley Genetics Newsletter 2: 65-68.

Prepared:  J. M. Hernandez-Soriano and R. T. Ramage. 1973.

BGS 391    Normal vs. desynapsis    Des12 des12

Previous nomenclature and gene symbolization: Normal vs. desynapsis, Des,,s des,,s (1,2).

Inheritance: Monofactorial recessive.

Description: The chromosomes are paired during pachytene and undergo desynapsis during diplotene and diakinesis. The average degree of desynapsis is 4.7 ranging from 7 ring bivalents (d = 0) to 1 rod bivalent + 12 univalents (d = 13). Ovule fertility is about 35%.

Origin of mutant: Spontaneous occurrence in the cultivar Betzes C.I.6398.

Mutational events: des12s spontaneous occurrence in the cultivar Betzes C.1.6398. des12w spontaneous occurrence in the cultivar Betzes C.I.6398.

Mutant used for description and seed stock: des12s in Betzes C.I.6398.

1. Hernandez-Soriano, J. M. and R. T. Ramage. 1973. Barley Genetics Newsletter 3: 91.
2. Ramage, R. T. and J. M. Hernandez-Soriano. 1972. Barley Genetics Newsletter 2: 65-68.

Prepared:  J. M. Hernandez-Soriano and R. T. Ramage. 1973.

BGS 392 Normal vs. desynapsis   Des13 des13

Previous nomenclature and gene symbolization:  Normal vs . desynapsis, Des,,t des,,t (1,2).

Inheritance:  Monofactorial recessive.

Description:  There are two types of microspore mother cells in this mutant. About 58% have normal early prophases and undergo desynapsis during diplotene and diakinesis. The average degree of desynapsis is 0.8 ranging from 7 ring bivalents (d = 0) to 4 ring bivalents + 2 rod bivalents + 2 univalents (d = 4). The other type of microspore mother cells have chromosomes that appear "sticky" at Metaphase I. The stickiness is accompanied by very elongatea ring bivalents and by extensive chrorosome fragmentation. 0vule fertility is about 20 to 30%.

Origin of mutant: Spontaneous occurrence in the cultivar Betzes C.I.6398.

Mutational events: des13t spontaneous occurrence in the cultivar Betzes C.1.6398.

Mutant used for description and seed stock: des13t in Betzes C.I.6398.

1. Hernandez-Soriano, J. M. and R. T. Ramage. 1973. Barley Genetics Newsletter 3: 91.
2. Ramage, R. T. and J. M. Hernandez-Soriano. 1972. Barley Genetics Newsletter 2: 65-68,

Prepared: J. M. Hernandez-Soriano and R. T. Ramage. 1973.

BGS 393 Normal vs. desynapsis    Des14 des14

Previous nomenclature and gene symbolizatlon:  Normal vs. desynapsis, Des,,u des,,u (1,2).

Inheritance:  Monofactorial recessive.

Description:  The chromosomes are paired during pachytene and undergo desynapsis during diplotene and diakinesis. The average degree of desynapsis is 4.8 ranging from 7 ring bivalents (d = O) to 1 rod bivalent + 12 univalents (d = 13). Lagging chromosomes and micronuclei are frequently observed at Telophase I. Ovule fertility is about 35%.

Origin of mutant:  Spontaneous occurrence in the cultivar Betzes C.I.6398.

Mutational events: des14u spontaneous occurrence in the cultivar Betzes C.I.6398.

Mutant used for description and seed stock: des14u in Betzes C.I.6398.

1. Hernandez-Soriano, J. M. and R. T. Ramage. 1973. Barley Genetics Newsletter 3: 91.
2. Ramage, R. T. and J. M, Hernandez-Soriano. 1972. Barley Genetics Newsletter 2: 65-68.

Prepared:  J. M. Hernandez-Soriano and R. T. Ramage. 1973.

BGN 4 toc
BGN Main Index