Walker, pp. 99-101

IV.2. Coordinator's report: Chromosome 2.

G. W. R. Walker, Department of Genetics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

1. The 1973 linkage map according to Tsuchiya (BGN 3:99) is to be considered the definitive current map, except for the entry rs2, which should be Re2.

The coordinator did not have Tsuchiya and Singh's telotrisomic data (BGN 3:75) when preparing the 1973 report, (BGN 3:83) hence the orientation of e, cer-gs5 and centromere in the map on page 83 of BGN 3 is in error. In addition, the 1973 paper by Andersen and Andersen (Hereditas 73:271) presents linkage values of Ha2 that make it difficult to determine the exact orientation of Ha2 with respect to other genes in the v-e region. This gene, which is included in the map on page 83 of BGN 3 should thereforebe removed from the map until these difficulties are resolved.

2. The data provided by Søgaard (BGN 3:57) indicate that four new eceriferum genes (cer-) are on chromosome 2. cer-g is very close to e; cer-v is very close to or; cer-g lies approximately halfway between e and v, and cer-n is distal to v in the long arm.

3. Two mutants not yet symbolized (see addendum to annotated list) have shown linkage with chromosome 2. Regarding a possible association of rb and mt3 see Walker (BGN 4:90).

4. References regarding revisions appearing in the 1973 map (Tsuchiya) or proposed revisions are:
a. re lr: T. E. Haus; BGN2:203.
b. re relative distances for gp-li, gp-tr and tr-li see suggestions by T. Tsuchiya (BGN 2:99) and Walker (BGN 4:90).
c. f-e-centromere-gs5 in place of f-centromere-gs5-e: T. Tsuchiya BGN 3:75.

5. Annotated list of all genes assigned to chromosome 2; recommended symbols underlined, previous symbols in brackets; dates indicate barley linkage summaries in which current symbols and linkage assignments first appeared (see below).

Albino seedling, possibly 5 genes: a a3 a4 1941 ac2 1964 and a2 (al) 1971: brown-yellow lemma Bg (G) 1955; eceriferum (reduced waxiness) mutants, 5 genes; wax reduced on leaf, sheath, spike cer-g cer-n cer-s, on spike cer-v 1973(a), on sheath ('glossy sheath') 1 gene 2 alleles cer-gs5 cer-gs8 1971; 1 gene cer-gs6 several mutational events (gs6-gs6x) McProud and Eslick, BGN1:1972; dehiscent awn da (lku) 1955; (high) diastatic power Dip 1964: (sterile) dwarf D 1951; elongated awned outer glumes e (w, ex, log) 1941; long outer glume Log (L) 1941; early maturity ea (e) 1941; toothed lemma G 1941; grandpa 1 gene, 2, possibly identical alleles gp gp2 1963; high (tall) plant H (U) 1941; Heterodera avenae (root eelworm) resistance 2 genes Ha Ha2 1971 1973(b); Helminthosporium sativum susceptibility H1 1951; hairy rachis Hr 1951; inhibitor of glume-awn expression (of e) Ine (ie) 1971; (heavy) kernel Kw 1955; lax (vs dense = club) spike L8 (L) 1965 L5(14) 1951; light green seedling 1 gene 3 alleles lg, lg8, lg1O 1973 (d); liguleless 1 gene 2 alleles li aur-al 1973(e); lateral spikelet appendage reduction lr 1951; awnless Lk (A2,S) very tightly linked with, or a pleiotropic effect of V (See Engledow, F.L. 1924 Jour. Gen. 14:49-87. 1941); many-noded dwarf m2 (m, mn, mnd) 1964; mid-season strip mss 1964; male-sterile (ms2) 1951 1962, male-sterile dwarf (ms3) 1962, renamed msg2, msg3 1973(c), multiflorous mul (mlt) 1964; mottled mt-e 1972; (high) caryopsis nitrogen No 1964; orange seedling or 1941; Puccinia anomala susceptibility pa2 1951; purple-veined lemma Pc 1941; purple auricle Pau (Pra, P1, P) 1964 linkage assigned 1941; purple nodes Pn 1964; purple stem straw Pr 1941; purple red lemma and pericarp Re2(Pr, R1, Rel) 1955, 1951; complements Re, chromosome 5; (low) rachis internode number rin 1941; rattail spike rt 1971; female-sterile sf 1971; subjacent hood sk 1971; triple-awned lemma tr 1951; tweaky tw 1951; two-row (vs six-row) alleles V, Vt, Vd, 1941 plus VM20 1964; and 23 'v-type' mutants 1973(b); wide glumes w 1951; white strak wst 4 1971; virescent seedling 2 genes y, yx 1941 1951.

Coordinators' summaries and other references; 1941. Robertson, D.W. et al. J. Amer. Soc. Agron. 33:47; 1951 Smith, L. Bot. Rev. 17:1; 1955 Robertson, D. W. et al. Agron. Jour. 47(No. 9); 1964 Nilan, R. A. Monographic Suppl. No. 3 Research Studies, Washington State U., Vol. 32(1); 1971 Robertson, D. W. in Barley Genetic II. Ed. by R. Nilan. Washington State University Press, p. 220; 1972 Takahashi, R. BGN 2:74; 1973(a) Søgaard, A. B. BGN 3:57; 1973(b) Walker, G. W. R. BGN 3:83; 1973(c) Hockett E. A. BGN 3:87; 1973(d) Haus, T. E. BGN 3:17; 1973(e) Tsuchiya, T. BGN 3:67. Some mutants not yet assigned symbols have been located on chromosome 2:

1. Four 'virido albina' type mutants possibly allelic, assigned probable association in translocation tests by Tuleen (1971 Barley Genetics II:208) (see also Kleinhofs, A. and Millham, B. J. BGN 3:28).

2. A mutant for small kernels, grasslike appearance and high tillering (2235/64) has been located on chromosome 2 by translocation tests. Another (3447/64) is allelic to e.

BGN 4 toc
BGN Main Index