Barley Genetics Newsletter


Volume 41  - 2011


Announcement of the 11th International Barley Genetics Symposium


Editorial Committee

P. Bregitzer  -  U. Lundqvist -  V. Carollo Blake


<<Table of Contents>>



<<Information about the Barley Genetics Newsletter>>





The Barley Genetics Newsletter is published electronically at


Contributions for publication in the Barley Genetics Newsletter should be sent to the Technical Editor, Dr. Phil Bregitzer (see Instructions to Authors on the following pages for details on submission). Reports on research activities (including ongoing projects, descriptions of new genetic and cytological techniques, and current linkage maps) are invited for the Research Notes section. Researchers are encouraged to submit descriptions of genetic stocks for the Barley Genetic Stocks section. Letters to the editors are welcome and will be published. Please inform the Technical Editor of any errors you notice in this volume or in previous volumes; corrections will be published in future volumes, and electronic copy will be appropriately corrected.


Coordinators assigned at the International Barley Genetics Symposium should submit their reports by June 15, 2011 to:


Dr. Udda Lundqvist

Coordinator, Barley Genetics Newsletter

Nordic Genetic Resource Center (Nordgen)

P.O. Box 41

SE-230 53 Alnarp, Sweden

Phone: +46 40 536640

FAX: +46 40 536650

Cell phone: +46 70 624 1502




All correspondence and contributions to the Barley Genetics Newsletter should be in English.  Please include your complete mailing address, including your country, and an e-mail address (if you have one) with all correspondence and contributions.






The contributors of research reports and the diligence of the many Coordinators make this publication possible. Victoria Carollo Blake and the Graingenes team at the USDA-ARS make possible the electronic version of BGN.




Submissions will be published via the internet (  Approximately quarterly, new submissions will be appended to existing submissions; the page numbers of existing submissions will not change and citation information will remain constant. BGN 40 will consist of all submissions received prior to the end of the calendar year of 2010, and will be compiled into a printable version that will be available via the Graingenes website. Send submissions to:     


                        Dr. Phil Bregitzer, BGN Technical Editor,

USDA-ARS, 1691 S. 2700 W.,

Aberdeen, ID, 83210, USA.

Telephone: (voice) 208-397-4162 ext. 116; (fax) 208-397-4165



Manuscripts should be written in English and be brief. Each paper should be prepared separately, with the title and the authors' names and addresses at the top of the first page. For each paper to be included in Barley Genetics Newsletter Volume 41, submit a file to the Technical Editor in one of the following ways (in order of preference):


1. As an attachment to an e-mail message (preferred)

2. A CD; include also one high quality printed copy

3. High-quality paper copy (acceptable only in unusual circumstances)


Instructions for file preparation

Text and tables for each article can be in one file, but place each figure in a separate file. Name these files with your last name, a manuscript number, and "txt" or "fig" (in the case of separate files for text and figures), and a number for each figure (in the case of separate files). For example, the files for a manuscript plus two figures from Phil Bregitzer would be: bregitzer1txt.doc, bregitzer1fig1.gif , and bregitzer1fig2.gif .


File Formats for Text and Tables: Preferred: Word, PC-compatible formatting. Macintosh formats are not acceptable, nor are PDF files.


Please keep formatting simple and consistent with that of BGN 40. Format for 8.5" x 11" paper, with 1" margins on all sides. Use Times New Roman Font, 12 pt, with both right and left justification, except for the title and author information and tables, which should be centered. Please use only tabs and hard returns in the preparation of text files. Tables must be prepared using the table feature of your word processing program, and not prepared using tabs. Please do not add additional lines to your table except with the table formatting tools in your word processor. Please use center justification for tables, and not "full" justification (i.e. left and right justification, that is used for text). Figures can be submitted in any common format but avoid the necessity of color for interpretation, to enable printing and copying hardcopy in black and white without losing information contained in the figures.