Kasha, pp. 100-101

IV.3 Coordinator's report: Chromosome 6.

K.J. Kasha, Crop Science, University of Guelph. Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1.

Based on a review of the literature on linkages with genes, interchanges, trisomics and the previous map (Tsuchiya, 1973), I would suggest the following revised linkage map for chromosome 6.

Orange lemma (o) is very close to the centromere and likely in the long arm.

In addition, ms 6 is located very close to the centromere and the following additional genes have been associated with chromosome 6: smooth awns (r,,e); dense spike (l9); dense spike (ert-e); chlorina seedlings (f6); albino seedlings (alb,, f); piebald and light green seedlings (gene symbol not yet assigned); and curly leaf dwarf (clh.). Crosses to check for allelism between xn and alb,, f and ert-e and l9 are now being made.

Discrepancies as to the closeness of linkage seem to be common and most genes associated with chromosome 6 are now in crosses that will provide multiple point linkage data. Any linkage data or seed of new mutants associated with chromosome 6 would be greatly appreciated by the coordinator.

Various multiple marker stocks are available as follows:
ms,,bk with gs 4;
ms,,bk with o;
ms 6 with o;
Xn with o;
alb,,f with o;
o with r,, e and 19.

The stocks ms,, bk with gs 4 and xn with o are probably the best available for covering the present linkage map. Amy 1 would be valuable if it proves to be easy to classify as it is the most distal gene in the long arm at present.


Eslick, R. F., R.T. Ramage, and D.R. Clark. 1974. BGN 4: 11-15.

Konishi, T. 1971. BGN 1: 25-26.

Konishi, T. 1973. BGN 3: 28-31.

Nielsen, G. and 0. Frydenberg. 1974. BGN 4: 53-54.

Rahman, M.M. and R.F. Eslick. 1975. BGN 5: 42-44.

Ramage, R.T. and M. Puluska. 1975. BGN 5: 49-51.

Tsuchiya, T. 1973. BGN 3: 99-103.

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