BGN 7: Probable allelism of Ii and Int-c genes BARLEY GENETICS NEWSLETTER, VOL. 7, II. RESEARCH NOTES
Gymer, pp. 34-35

II. 16. Probable allelism of Ii and Int-c genes.

P. T. Gymer, Rothwell Plant Breeders Limited, Rothwell, Lincoln LN7 6DT, United Kingdom.

The IhIi allelic series (Woodward, 1949) and the int-c locus (Persson, 1969)- both of which affect lateral floret fertility in two-rowed barley, have both been located on the short arm of chromosome 4. Their allelic relationship has, however, not been studied.

We crossed the Svalöf mutant int-c5, in Bonus background and having fertile stamens in the lateral florets, with Mortoni, whose genotype is WIhIh (Leonard, 1942), and whose lateral florets are not only male fertile, but partly female fertile.

The F1 plants and an F2 population of around 200 individuals all had large lateral florets with fertile anthers and variable low seedset. No normal two-rows were present. This indicates that the two genes are either allelic or very closely linked.

A few plants had short awns on the lateral florets. This was probably an effect of the segregating genetic background but we shall be checking F3 progenies from these plants in 1977.


Leonard, W. H. 1942. Inheritance of fertility in the lateral spikets of barley. Genetics 27:299-316.

Persson, G. 1969. An attempt to find suitable genetic markers for dense ear loci in barley. I. Hereditas 62:25-96.

Woodward, R. W. 1949. The inheritance of fertility in the lateral florets of the four barley groups. Agron. J. 41:317-322.

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