BGN 20: Overall Coordinator's Report

Overall Coordinator's Report

Udda Lundqvist
Svalöf AB, S-268 00 Svalöv

Also this year, only a very few of coordinator's reports have been received. Once more, I want to stress the importance for barley geneticists to obtain the current information from the coordinators. Dr. R. I. Wolfe has requested that he be replaced as Coordinator for Chromosome 2. Dr. Shaoke Wang, Colorado State University, Department of Agronomy, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523, USA, is willing to take over the coordinator work for Chromosome 2. I am glad to welcome him to the coordinators group. At the same time I want to take the opportunity to thank Dr. R.I. Wolfe for all his efforts to keep chromosome 2 up-to-date.

Since Dr. Haus is retired and not working with barley genetics any more, I am still looking for somebody to replace him as coordinator for Chromosome 4. Are there any suggestions? This will be one of the points to be discussed at the Sixth International Barley Genetics Symposium, 1991.

I hope sincerely that as many as possible of the coordinators will take the opportunity to attend the symposium in Sweden 1991. Workshops concerning gene mapping and nomenclature will be organized. Everybody is welcome to make suggestions and raise questions about topics that should be discussed there.

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